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  • Title

    Evolution characteristics of strain and permeability of coal samples under loading and unloading conditions

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Jie,WANG Qi,TANG Jun,CHEN Qiyue,JIANG Yaodong,TANG Di,LAN Tianxiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要

    随着开采深度的增大,高瓦斯矿井、煤与瓦斯突出矿井,相继发生冲击地压或兼具冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出特征的煤岩瓦斯复合动力灾害。在煤层开采过程中,采煤工作面前方煤体垂直应力陡增、水平应力卸除。煤层高瓦斯内能与煤岩系统地应力、支承压力的叠加为煤岩复合动力灾害的发生提供了力学条件。因此,为了研究气体压力和采动应力对煤岩变形和瓦斯流动状态的影响机制,利用煤岩变形-渗透率同步测试系统,采用轴向加载、径向卸载的加卸载实验方案模拟开采过程中支承压力和水平应力的变化特征,观测了煤样在不同气体压力下加卸载过程中的应变和气体流量。实验结果表明:加卸载初期差应力较低,煤样以压缩变形为主,其内部裂隙闭合,透气性降低;当差应力达到某一值时,相继出现气体流量由降低转为升高的拐点和扩容现象;扩容之后煤样产生塑性变形,其透气性进一步增大,更多气体从煤样中析出。大部分实验煤样发生扩容之前出现气体流量拐点,可见扩容之前,煤样内部的微裂缝已经开始延伸或者扩展。随着气体压力的升高,扩容起始点和气体流量拐点对应的差应力降低,因此高瓦斯压力会导致采动影响下煤体内部微裂缝扩展的应力门槛降低。气体压力较高(2.0 MPa)时,煤样扩容起始点和气体流量拐点对应的应力差平均值仅相差0.102 MPa,扩容起始点和气体流量拐点几乎同时出现。由此可知:高瓦斯煤岩体在采动应力影响下,蓄能的弹性变形区极有可能在瓦斯气体还未大量析出时,迅速转变为耗能的塑性变形区。一旦煤岩变形系统失稳,弹性变形区煤岩与瓦斯可同时释放能量,显现复合动力灾害的破坏特征。

  • Abstract
    With the increase of the mining depth,rockburst or composite dynamic disasters with both rockburst and coal and gas outburst have occurred in the high-gas mines and coal and gas-outburst mines.The vertical stress on coal beam near the coal face increases significantly,while the horizontal stress is degraded in the process of coal mining.The superposition of gas internal energy,in-situ stresses and abutment pressure of the coal-rock system provide the mechanical conditions for the occurrence of compound dynamic disasters.Therefore,in order to study the influence mechanism of gas pressure and mining stress on coal deformation and gas flow,the strains and gas flow of coal samples during axial loading and radial unloading were measured to simulate the change characteristics of bearing pressure and horizontal stress in the mining process by coal stain-permeability synchronous testing system.It shows that coal samples shrank and the permeability of coal samples decreased under the low differential stress at the initial stage of loading and unloading because coal cracks closed.When the differential stress reached a certain value,the turning point of gas flow from down to up and the dilatancy of coal samples appeared successively.More gas flew from the coal samples due to the increasing plastic deformation and permeability of coal samples after the dilatancy.The gas flow inflections of most coal samples have been spotted before coal dilatancy so that the micro-fractures in coal samples have begun to extend before the dilatancy.With the increase of gas pressure,the differential stress of the coal dilatancy onset and the gas flow inflection decreased.Therefore,high gas pressure can bring down the differential stress threshold corresponding to of the micro-crack propagation in coal under mining disturbance.When the gas pressure was high (2.0 MPa),the average of stress difference corresponding to the coal dilatancy onset and the gas flow inflection was only 0.102 MPa.The coal dilatancy onset and the gas flow inflection occurred almost simultaneously.It can be inferred that under the influence of mining stress,the elastic deformation zone which stores a lot of energy with high gas pressure is very likely to quickly transform into the plastic deformation zone before a large amount of gas emission.Once the coal and rock system lost stability,the strain energy stored in the elastic zone and the gas in coal beam can release at the same time and the damage characteristics of compound dynamic disaster will occur.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    loading and unloading;dynamic disaster;gas pressure;mining stress;gas flow;coal dilatation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 样品制备与实验方案

       1.1 样品制备

       1.2 实验方案

    2 实验结果

    3 分析与讨论

       3.1 气体压力对煤体膨胀的影响

       3.2 煤样体应变与气体流量变化的拐点

       3.3 煤样扩容与煤岩动力失稳的相关性

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    ZHU Jie,WANG Qi,TANG Jun,et al.Evolution characteristics of strain and permeability of coal samples under loading and unloading conditions [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(4):1203-1210.
  • 相关文章
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    • 煤岩变形-渗透性同步测试实验系统

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