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  • Title

    Experimental study on the water medium gravity separation of gasification slag and the preparation of desulfurization and denitrification activated coke using separated carbon

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Zhenyang,JING Yunhuan,FAN Panpan,GAO Yanchun,WANG Jiancheng,DONG Lianping,BAO Weiren,FAN Minqiang,CHANG Liping

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 省部共建煤基能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室煤科学与技术教育部重点实验室国家能源集团 宁夏煤业有限责任公司太原理工大学 矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Coal Science and Technology,Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province,Taiyuan University of Technology,; Institute of Coal Chemical Industry Technology,Ningxia Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,National Energy Group; School of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    对国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司GSP干粉气化炉产生的气化细渣进行了粒度组成、密度组成等基本物性分析,利用复锥结构水介旋流器对其进行了水介质重力分选,以产品灰分、产率、碳分布率为评价指标,对前期条件试验获得的结构参数和操作参数的优选组合,通过水介质重力分选一次分选得到了富碳产品、高灰产品和富灰产品3种分质产品。富碳产品产率占入料8.37%、灰分12.69%,与原渣相比,碳含量提高了51.62%;富灰产品产率24.36%,灰分95.68%;富碳产品和高灰产品合计碳回收率达到97.09%,实现了残炭与灰的高效分离与富集。从产品视密度差异和可选性差异验证了水介质重力分选的可行性。对原样及3种分质产品分别进行SEM-EDS能谱分析、BET孔结构分析、XRD测试等。富碳产品多为不规则多孔絮状物,具有较高的比表面积和孔体积,总比表面积287.82 m2/g,微孔比表面积为155.89 m2/g,具备制备活性焦的潜质。以富碳产品为原料,通过添加固定配比的焦煤、长焰煤、焦油、沥青等原料,基于前期不同煤种的配比方案及热解过程中的相互作用机理,采用配煤法在富碳产品掺比质量分数50%时,制得的活性焦耐磨强度达到97.00%,耐压强度498.5 N(实测值)。参考国家标准要求对制备的气化渣基活性焦进行脱硫脱硝性能评价,计算得到其脱硫值为32.63 mg/g,远高于标准要求,脱硝率为27.50%。

  • Abstract

    In this study,the basic physical properties of the gasification fine slag produced by the GSP dry powder gasifier at Ningxia Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,the National Energy Group were analyzed for particle size composition and density composition.The water medium gravity separation was carried out by using a complicated cone water-medium cyclone with a compound cone structure.The product ash,yield and carbon distribution rate were used as evaluation indicators.According to the structural parameters and operating parameters obtained from the preliminary condition test,through the gravity separation of water medium,three types of products can be obtained including carbon-rich product,ash-high product and ash-rich product.The yield of carbon-rich products is 8.37% and the ash content is 12.69%,the carbon content is 51.62% higher than the original slag;the yield of high-ash products is 24.36% and the ash content is 95.68%;the total carbon recovery rate of carbon-rich products and high-ash products reaches 97.09%,achieving an efficient separation and enrichment of residual carbon and ash.The difference in the apparent density and selectivity of the products verifies the feasibility of gravity separation of water media.The SEM-EDS energy spectrum analysis,BET pore structure analysis,XRD test,etc.were performed on the original sample and the three types of products.Most of the carbon-rich products are irregular porous flocs with high specific surface area and pore volume.The total specific surface area is 287.82 m2/g,and the microporous specific surface area is 155.89 m2/g,which has the potential to be a raw material for activated coke.Using carbon-rich products as raw materials,adding a certain ratio of coking coal,long flame coal,tar,pitch and other raw materials,based on the ratio of different coal types in the early stage and the interaction mechanism in the pyrolysis process,the activated coke was obtained by the coal blending method,its wear resistance reached 97.00% when the carbon-rich products was 50%.The compressive strength was 498.5 N.The desulfurization and denitrification performance of the prepared gasification slag-based activated coke was evaluated with reference to the requirements of the national standard.The desulfurization value was calculated to be 32.63 mg/g,which is much higher than the standard requirement,and the denitration rate is 27.50%.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gasification slag;cyclone;sorting;activated coke;desulfurization and denitration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 试验样品和试验方法

       1.1 样品性质分析

    2 试验结果与分析

       2.1 水介重选分离效果与分析

       2.2 重选产品分析与测试

       2.3 气化渣基活性焦试验研究

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    REN Zhenyang,JING Yunhuan,FAN Panpan,et al.Experimental study on the water-medium gravity separation of gasification slag and the preparation of desulfurization and denitrification activated coke using separated carbon[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(4):1164-1172.
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  • 图表
    • 水介重力分选系统流程

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