Technological difficulties and future directions of ecological reconstruction in open pit coal mine of the arid and semi-arid areas of Western China
BI Yinli,PENG Suping
The most serious and direct impact of open-pit coal mining on the ecological environment is the destruction of water resources and land resources,as well as the destruction of species in the ecological system.The key to ecological reconstruction of arid and semi-arid dumps is to develop the detection technology of rock structure and water content,in which monitor the range and boundary of underground water.Based on the constraints of water resources,a reasonable soil layer structure of the dump was constructed to obtain the dynamic characteristics of soil water retention and culvert.A three-layer sponge structure model for mining ecological environment reconstruction was proposed and implemented,including topsoil ecological layer,culvert layer and waterproof layer.Through research the geophysical detection technology and equipment,the source of mine water,soil structure and moisture content of the dump were monitored,so as to ensure the effective utilization of ecological engineering water resources.Combined with the ecological capacity of the land,the functional zoning and landscape design of the reconstruction ecology of the dump were carried out.Meanwhile,the development of new microbial culture formula has formed a better organic biological three-dimensional ecological reconstruction combination mode,which has produced better economic,ecological and social benefits,promoted the green and sustainable development of the mining area.Through the dynamic observation of arid and semi-arid open-pit mining areas and their surrounding environment,the artificial intervention can effectively break the confinement of primitive ecology,stimulated the positive development of ecology and obtained the coordinated development law of natural and artificial ecology.It solves the scientific concern that a large-scale coal exploitation will further worsen the ecological environment in arid and semi-arid areas in western China,resulting in the“worse”effect.The open-pit dumps had poor soil structure,low soil fertility,single plant composition,and difficult ecological reconstruction.Therefore,the research and development of multiple types of biological agents and substrates can effectively promote the development of plant roots,enhance the resistance of plants to soil compaction,nutrient impoverishment,drought,water shortage and salinization.The ecological environment effect after the artificial intervention is more than 10 times higher than that in the original state,realizing the ecological concept of not only maintaining“the mountains of gold and silver”,but also reestablishing “the lucid waters and lush mountains”.
arid and semi-arid areas of western china;open pit coal mine;ecological reconstruction;water resources protection and utilization;three-layer sponge structure model
1 干旱半干旱露天煤矿区生态重构研究现状
1.1 露天采矿对植被群落与土壤的影响
1.2 露天排土场土层重构对生态效应的影响
1.3 排土场土壤改良对水土高效协同利用生态效应
2 干旱半干旱区露天煤矿与井工煤矿生态环境治理的差异及其关键技术难点
3 干旱半干旱区露天煤矿生态环境治理的主要发展方向
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会