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  • Title

    Cole-Cole model inversion of different types of tectonic coal and its induction mechanism

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Ye,LI Donghui,ZHANG Yugui

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院河南理工大学 河南省瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理重点实验室——省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地中原经济区煤层(页岩)气河南省协同创新中心

  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University; State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control,Henan Polytechnic University; Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region
  • 摘要

    构造煤结构复杂且不同类型构造煤显现出不同特征,为研究构造煤复电阻率特征,采取同一矿区不同类型构造煤(碎裂煤、碎粒煤、碎粉煤、碎斑煤、鳞片煤、糜棱煤)以及原生结构煤,在不破坏其结构的情况下,常温常压状态下使用IM3533-01型LCR阻抗测量仪设备测量0.1~105 Hz内煤样的复电阻率,在频率域内基于Cole-Ccole模型将反演参数与构造煤结构建立联系,主要研究单个样品各向异性对比与不同类型样品之间特征对比。研究表明:无论原生结构煤还是构造煤都发生由激发极化引起的强烈频散现象以及由结构引起的复电阻率差异;并且在复电阻率各向异性对比中发现原生结构煤、碎裂煤具有各向异性,其余各向异性不明显,但也有构造煤样品存在单方向优势裂隙从而导致各向异性特征显现。在不同类型样品间对照试验发现,原生结构煤和构造煤各类型在复电阻率虚部与实部以及零频电阻Z(0)、时间常数τ值表现出明显差异,原生结构煤Z(0)几乎为构造煤平均值的1 400倍,原生结构煤τ几乎为构造煤平均值的320倍;在构造煤序列中Z(0)与τ表现为(糜棱煤>碎斑煤>碎裂煤>碎粒煤>碎粉煤>鳞片煤),其中鳞片煤电阻率极低;分析得出是由于层理性、致密程度、裂隙、煤结构演化、粒度大小等因素共同作用的结果,影响因素的权重在特定情况下不同,并提出煤结构复电阻率导电性以及频散模型解释这一现象的机理。从而为煤层气勘探和瓦斯突出预测与评价这类学科领域亟待解决的关键科学问题及技术提供借鉴。

  • Abstract

    Tectonic coals have complex structures and different types of tectonic coals show different characteristics.In order to study the complex resistivity characteristics of tectonic coals,different types of tectonic coals (cataclastic coal,granulated coal,porphyroclastic coal,pulverized coal,squamate coal and mylonitic coal) and the coal with primary structure were selected from same mining area.Without destroying their structures,at room temperature and pressure,the complex resistivity of coal samples in the frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 100 KHz was measured using the IM3533-01 LCR impedance measuring device.Based on the Cole-cole model in this domain,the inversion parameters are related to the coal structure.The main research is the anisotropy comparison of a single sample and the feature comparison between different types of samples.The studies demonstrate that both the primary structural coal and the structural coal have a strong dispersion phenomenon caused by induced polarization and a complex resistivity difference caused by the structure.A comparison of the complex resistivity anisotropy found that the primary structural coal and cataclastic coal have anisotropy,and the anisotropy in other coals is not obvious,but there are also unidirectional dominant fractures in the tectonic coal samples,which cause the anisotropic features to appear.The controlled experiments between different types of samples found that the types of primary structural coal and structural coal show some significant differences in the imaginary and real parts of the complex resistivity,the zero-frequency resistance Z(0),and the time constant τ value.The Z(0) of primary structural coal is almost 1 400 times of the average value of tectonic coal.The τ of primary structural coal is almost 320 times of the average value of tectonic coal.In the tectonic coal sequence,Z(0) and τ appear as (mylonitic coal >porphyroclastic coal >cataclastic coal >granulated coal >pulverized coal>squamate coal),the resistivity of squamate coal is extremely low.The analysis results demonstrate that these are due to the combined effect of layer rationality,compactness,cracks,coal structure evolution,particle size and other factors.The weight of influencing factors is different in specific circumstances,and it is proposed that structural complex resistivity conductivity and dispersion model explain the mechanism of this phenomenon.This study will provide some theoretical and experimental foundations for key scientific and technological issues that need to be resolved in such subject areas as coalbed methane exploration and gas outburst prediction and evaluation.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    tectonic coal;complex resistivity;dispersion characteristics;Cole-Cole model;electrical exploration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 构造煤样品及测量装置

       1.1 样品制备

       1.2 矿井构造及样品特征

       1.3 测试系统

    2 构造煤复电阻测量

       2.1 原生结构煤样品

       2.2 碎裂煤样品

       2.3 碎粒煤样品

       2.4 碎粉煤样品

       2.5 碎斑煤样品

       2.6 鳞片煤样品

       2.7 糜棱煤样品

       2.8 虚部与实部汇总

    3 构造煤复电阻模型参数反演

    4 构造煤的激电机理

       4.1 构造煤的激电机理

       4.2 构造煤激电性能影响因素

       4.3 构造煤激电模型及机理

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Ye,LI Donghui,ZHANG Yugui.Cole-Cole model inversion of different types of tectonic coal and its induction mechanism[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(S2):943-954.
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