• 全部
  • Title

    Effects of bacterial inoculation on drought tolerance and phenotypic structure of peanut:Take coal mining area of Northern Shaanxi as example

  • 作者


  • Author

    BI Yinli,ZHOU Huili,MA Shaopeng,GAO Yakun

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院西安科技大学 西部矿山生态环境修复研究院

  • Organization
    School of Geoscience and Surverying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing); West Mine Ecological Environment Research Institute,Xi’an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    黄土高原煤矿区气候干旱,土质贫瘠,农田产出较低,利用微生物改良土壤与植物生长成为研究的热点。为了探究干旱胁迫下接种丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,AMF)后土壤水分变化及其对植物表型结构的影响,以花生为研究对象,布设野外盆栽试验,设置干旱和接菌2种试验处理,利用EM50土壤温湿盐监测系统实时监测土壤水分变化情况,并在生长中期利用三维激光扫描技术和CI-690ROOTSNAP根系分析软件系统分别测量冠层和根系表型结构特征。结果表明:① 干旱胁迫使根系菌根侵染率较正常条件下降62.8%;② 接菌增强土壤保水作用,不同处理土壤含水率呈AMF>干旱+AMF>CK>干旱的趋势;③ 接菌改变植株冠层结构,AMF处理花生的投影面积、叶片数、叶片总面积、上层平均叶面积和开花数较正常对照处理分别提高6.0%,13.0%,7.5%,13.9%和22.7%,干旱+AMF处理较对照组分别提高37.0%,13.2%,38.0%,26.0%和57.0%;④ 接菌改变根系性状,增加花生较粗根和较细根所占比例,AMF处理的植物根系中根系直径大于0.1和0.08~0.10 mm的根分别占9.38%和18.27%,而对照处理分别占2.7%和13.6%;干旱+AMF处理的植物根系中根系直径大于0.08 mm和小于0.06 mm的根分别占26.7%和25.2%,而干旱对照处理分别占8.1%和15.7%;⑤ 地下根系表型与地上冠层表型显著相关,总根体积、平均根直径与叶片数呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.60和0.66(P<0.01)。干旱降低菌根侵染率,且抑制植物生长;接菌可以缓解干旱的影响,对土壤具有保水作用,并能改善植物冠层和根系结构,促进植物生长。

  • Abstract
    In the coal mining area of the Loess Plateau,the climate is arid,the soil quality is poor,and the farmland output is low.To explore inoculated Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi(AMF) under drought stress after the soil moisture change and its influence on plant phenotypic structure,with peanut as the research object,setting field pot exper iment,this study had conducted two kinds of test,i.e.,under drought and bacterial inoculation conditions.In the tests,the EM50 soil humidity monitoring system was used for real time monitoring soil moisture changes in salt,and in the middle of plant growth,the 3 d laser scanning technology and CI-690 ROOTSNAP root analysis software system were used to measure their canopy structure characteristic and root phenotype.The results showed as follows:① under drought stress,the infection rate of root mycorrhiza decreased by 62.8% compared with normal conditions.② Fungi culture enhanced soil water retention.The results showed that the normal inoculation treatment was greater than the drought inoculation treatment,the drought inoculation treatment was greater than the normal control treatment,and the normal control treatment was greater than the drought control treatment.③ The plant canopy structure was changed by inoculation,and the projected area,number of leaves,total area of leaves,average upper leaf area and flowering number of peanut under normal+AMF treatment were increased by 6.0%,13.0%,7.5%,13.9% and 22.7%,respectively,compared with normal control treatment,while those under drought+AMF treatment were increased by 37.0%,13.2%,38.0%,26.0% and 57.0%,respectively.④ The inoculation changed the root traits and increased the proportion of coarse and fine roots of peanut,and the root characteristics of normal+AMF treated plants were that the roots longer than 1 mm and 0.8-1.0 mm accounted for 9.38% and 18.27%,while those of normal control treatment accounted for 2.7% and 13.6%,respectively.In drought treated and AMF treated plant roots,the roots longer than 0.8 mm and shorter than 0.6 mm accounted for 26.7% and 25.2%,respectively,while drought control treatment accounted for 8.1% and 15.7%,respectively.④ The root phenotype was significantly correlated with the canopy phenotype.Total root volume,mean root diameter and leaf number were positively correlated with the correlation coefficients of 0.60 and 0.66,respectively (P
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Loess Plateau coal mining area;drought stress;AMF;canopy structure;root traits

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 材料与方法

       1.1 试验材料

       1.2 试验设计

       1.3 取样及测定方法

       1.4 数据处理

    2 结果与分析

       2.1 干旱胁迫和接种菌根对花生根系菌根侵染率的影响

       2.2 接种菌根对花生根系土壤水分变化的影响

       2.3 干旱胁迫下接种菌根对花生植株冠层表型的影响

       2.4 干旱胁迫下接种菌根对花生植株根系表型的影响

       2.5 冠层与根系表型的相关性分析

    3 讨论

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    BI Yinli,ZHOU Huili,MA Shaopeng,et al.Effects of bacterial inoculation on drought tolerance and phenotypic structure of peanut:Take coal mining area of Northern Shaanxi as example[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(6):1936-1944.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 不同处理花生的根系生物量和平均根直径

    图(2) / 表(0)


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