Dry separator of thin coal seam in Heishan Open-pit Mine
CHEN Jianqiang,LI Gongmin,XIA Yunkai,ZHANG Bo,CHEN Zengqiang,YAN Guanghui,SHENG Cheng,ZHAO Yuemin,DUAN Chenlong
基于黑山露天煤矿气候环境采用干法分选工艺对该地区煤炭进行提质。为明晰原煤可选性,对黑山露天矿薄煤层进行了煤质资料分析,确定了煤种及原煤质量,分析了原煤浮沉特征。同时对80~0 mm原煤进行了分选试验,通过床层颗粒能量分布确定了分选过程中床层密度分布规律,采用响应面交互试验分析了各因素对灰分离析度的影响,确定了最佳分选条件,并用分选试验验证了该分选技术的可行性。结果表明,黑山露天矿薄煤层原煤属中等可选,随频率、振幅和气速的增加(均会引起能量增加),密度分布差异和灰分离析度呈先增加后减小的趋势,合适的床层能量输入有利于颗粒按密度离析分层。响应面分析表明灰分离析度对各因素变化敏感性较高,在频率32 Hz,振幅2.8 mm,气速0.6 m/s时,灰分离析度最大为0.98。在最佳分选条件下,80~0 mm原煤分选密度为1.97 g/cm3,可能偏差E为0.22 g/cm3,精煤产率为74.92%,精煤灰分为21.77%;对13~0 mm精煤再选后,灰分较主选精煤降低6.79%,80~0 mm精煤综合产率为66.99%,灰分为17.91%,干法分选工艺可有效提高黑山矿薄煤层的产品煤质量。
Based on the climate environment of Heishan Open-pit mine, dry separation process was adopted to achieve coal quality improvement. In order to clarify the raw coal washability of thin coal seams of Heishan Open-pit Mine, the coal quality data were analyzed, the coal type and raw coal quality were determined, and the floating-and-sinking characteristics were analyzed. The separation test of 80-0 mm raw coal was carried out, the particle energy distribution in the bed was studied, and the bed density distribution in the separation process was determined. The response surface analysis was conducted to study the influence of various factors on the ash separation resolution, and the best sorting conditions were determined, and the sorting experiments were carried out, which verified the feasibility of the sorting technology. The results show that the washability of the thin coal seam in Heishan Open-pit Mine is medium.With the increase of frequency, amplitude and gas velocity (factors affecting energy change), the difference in density distribution and ash resolution show a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. Appropriate bed energy input is conducive to the separation and stratification of particles according to density. The response analysis show that ash separation resolution is highly sensitive to changes in various factors. When the frequency is 32 Hz, an amplitude is 2.8 mm, and a gas velocity is 0.6 m/s, the maximum ash resolution is 0.98. Under the optimal separation conditions, the separation density of 80-0 mm raw coal is 1.97 g/cm3, the E value is 0.22 g/cm3, the yield of clean coal is 74.92%, and the ash content of clean coal is 21.77%. After re-selection of 13-0 mm clean coal, The ash content is 6.79% lower than that of raw-clean coal, the comprehensive yield of 80-0 mm is 66.99%, and the ash content is 17.91%. The dry process can effectively improve the quality of the product coal of the thin coal seam of Heishan Mine.
thin seam;floating and sinking characteristics;dry separation;ash separation resolution;compound sorter
0 引言
1 煤质分析
1.1 物料特性
1.2 原煤可选性分析
2 结果与讨论
2.1 床体能量输配规律
2.2 床层密度分布
2.3 多因素响应规律
2.4 分选效果
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会