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  • Title

    Investigation on force characteristics and separation ofcoal in dry dense medium fluidized bed

  • 作者


  • Author

    DAI Lin,FANG Shuhai,LI Siwei,LYU Guannan,CHAI Xuesen,DUAN Chenlong,ZHOU Enhui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xinjiang Energy Co.,Ltd.,CHN Energy;School of Chemical Engineering & Technology,China University of Mining & Technology;Key Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization(China University of Mining & Technology),Ministry of Education
  • 摘要

    近年来,干法重介质流化床干法分选技术的快速发展为世界干旱缺水地区的煤炭洁净分选提质提供了一条有效途径。在干法重介质流化床中,上升气流驱动加重质颗粒流化形成具有似流体性质的气固两相流床层,营造适合煤炭分选的均匀稳定的流态化环境。入选煤炭颗粒在床层中迁移、浮沉,受到自身重力、气流曳力、介质阻力、床层浮力等多种力的综合作用按密度分选。煤炭颗粒物性特征、床层密度分布、流化床操作参数等是影响煤炭颗粒受力特征、沉降特性及分选效果的关键因素。为此,着重研究了加重质颗粒在流化过程中的迁移过程和床层密度空间分布规律,定量评估了床层密度均匀稳定性;研究了颗粒粒度、密度、浸没深度与流化气速对入选煤炭颗粒受力特性的影响规律,采用响应面分析方法对比了不同影响因素的扰动规律与影响程度,建立了表征各影响因素与煤炭颗粒综合受力关系的关联式;确定了入选煤炭颗粒各密度组分的迁移路径与稳定分布区域。研究结果表明:以磁铁矿粉(0.3~0.074mm,2.36 g/cm3)与玻璃微粉(组成的0.3~0.074mm,1.14 g/cm3)组成二元加重质作为流化介质颗粒可以形成密度均匀的气固流化床层,二元加重质颗粒混合均匀稳定,床层密度波动控制在±0.01g/cm3以内;各主要影响因素对入选颗粒受力影响显著性程度依次为粒径、浸没深度与流化气速;入选煤炭颗粒给入床层后,各密度组分快速松散、沉降、分层,分选时间≤8s,高于床层密度的煤炭颗粒快速下沉,沉降于40mm床高以下区域;低于床层密度的煤炭颗粒沿床层表面附近区域松散、横向迁移,分布在160mm以上床高区域;中间密度颗粒松散、沉降并行,整体分布于45mm床高以上的床层区域。

  • Abstract

    In recent years,the development of dry separation technology of air dense medium fluidized bed(ADMFB)provides an effective way for clean coal processing in arid and water deficient areas of the world. In the dry heavy medium fluidized bed,the updraft drives the fluidization of dense medium to form a gas-solid two-phase flow bed with pseudo-fluid properties,which creates a uniform and stable fluidization environment suitable for coal separation. The coal particles migrate,float and sink in the bed,and are separated according to density under the comprehensive action of gravity,air drag,medium resistance,bed buoyancy and other forces. The characteristics of coal particles,bed density distribution and operation parameters of fluidized bed are the critical factors affecting the suffering force,settlement characteristics and separation effect of coal particles. Therefore,the migration process of dense particles in the fluidization process and the spatial distribution of bed density were studied. The uniformity and stability of bed density were quantitatively evaluated. The influence of particle size,density,immersion depth and gas velocity on the force properties of coal particles was studied. The response surface method was used to compare the disturbance law and influence degree of different factors. The correlation between the influencing factors and the comprehensive force of coal particles was established. The migration path and stable distribution area of each density component of coal particles with different densities were determined. The results show that the ADMFB with uniform density can be formed by using magnetite powder(0.300-0.074 mm,2.36 g/cm3)and glass powder(0.300-0.074 mm,1.14 g/cm3)as the binary medium. The binary dense particles are mixed evenly and stably. The bed density fluctuation can be controlled within ±0.01 g/cm3. The significant degree of the main influencing factors on the force of the selected particles is in the order of particle size,immersion depth and gas velocity. After coal particles are fed into the bed,the density components are rapidly loosened,settled and stratified. The separation time is less than or equal to 8 s. The coal particles with density higher than bed sank rapidly and settled in the area below the bed height of 40 mm. The coal particles with density lower than the bed are loose and migrate laterally along the area near the bed surface,and are distributed in the area above 160 mm. The middle density particles are loose and settled,which are distributed in the bed area above 45 mm.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dry separation;air dense medium fluidized bed;stress characteristics;density segregation;fluldizing medium;migration path

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 试验系统

       1.2 试验材料

    2 结果与讨论

       2.1 床层密度空间分布规律

       2.2 入选煤颗粒的受力特征与扰动因素相关性

       2.3 入选煤炭颗粒沉降过程扰动因素交互作用

       2.4 分选效果

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    DAI Lin,FANG Shuhai,LI Siwei,et al.Investigation on force characteristics and separation of coal in dry dense medium fluidized bed[J].Clean Coal Technology,2021,27(5):17-24.
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