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  • Title

    Study on organic sulfur variations in Shenmu bituminous coal preheating process based on preheating combustion technology platform

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jiahang,ZHU Jianguo

  • 单位

    中国科学院 工程热物理研究所中国科学院大学

  • Organization
    Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要

    煤炭是我国主要能源,然而煤炭燃烧释放的SO2等污染物影响环境。煤中有机硫结构复杂、形式多样,研究相对困难,因此研究煤中有机硫转化特性可为燃煤SO2污染物排放控制提供理论支撑。在30 kW预热燃烧试验平台上对神木烟煤开展了预热燃烧试验,试验过程中对于测量点进行固体取样,利用X射线光电子能谱技术(XPS)和X射线衍射(XRD)对神木烟煤及预热半焦中的有机硫进行分析。结果表明:神木烟煤中有机硫的主要形态可分为4种:硫醇和硫醚(32.6%)、噻吩(16.0%)、亚砜(15.9%)和砜类(15.3%),无机硫有CaSO4、FeS2;当循环流化床的预热温度达到800 ℃以上时,预热半焦中硫形态及含量与原煤相比发生较大变化,表现为预热半焦中无机硫除原有种类外出现了CaS,预热半焦中的有机硫随着预热中空气当量比的增加分解程度加深,其中硫醇和硫醚因分解而减少最多,噻吩、亚砜类次之,砜类物质相对含量增大。砜类物质相对含量增大的原因一方面与其他有机硫形态分解有关,另一方面可能存在硫醇、硫醚等向砜类物质的转化。

  • Abstract

    Coal is a major pillar of our national energy,however,the SO2 and other pollutants released by coal combustion have caused serious damage to the environment. The organic sulfur in coal has a complex structure and diverse forms so that the research is relatively difficult. Therefore,the research on the conversion characteristics of organic sulfur in coal can provide theoretical support for the control of SO2 pollutant emissions and achieve clean coal combustion. In order to study the conversion of organic sulfur forms in coal during the preheating process,a preheating combustion test of Shenmu bituminous coal was carried out on a 30 kW preheating combustion experiment platform. During the experiment,solid samples were taken at the measurement points,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy technology(XPS)and diffraction of X-rays(XRD)was used to analyze Shenmu bituminous coal and preheated semi-coke. The results show that the main forms of organic sulfur in Shenmu bituminous coal can be divided into four types:mercaptans and thioethers(32.6%),thiophenes(16.0%),sulfoxides(15.9%)and sulfones(15.3%). Inorganic sulfur includes CaSO4 ,FeS2. When the preheating temperature reaches above 800 ℃,the sulfur form and content in the preheated semi-coke change greatly compared with that in the raw coal. The inorganic sulfur in the preheated semi-coke has CaS in addition to the original types. The degree of decomposition of organic sulfur in preheated semi-coke increases with the increase in air equivalent ratio during preheating,among which mercaptans and sulfides are reduced the most due to decomposition,followed by thiophenes and sulfoxides,and the relative content of sulfones increases. The reason of the sulfones increasing is from two aspects,one is due to the discompose of other substance like mercaptans or thiophenes,and the other is due to the conversion from mercaptans to sulfones.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    bituminous coal;preheating combustion;organic sulfur;transformation of precipitation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 试验系统

       1.2 试验样品

       1.3 试验工况

    2 结果与分析

       2.1 煤粉预热温度和预热前后灰样品XRD分析

       2.2 预热过程硫元素形态转化规律

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Jiahang,ZHU Jianguo.Study on organic sulfur variations in Shenmu bituminous coal preheating process based on preheating combustion technology platform[J].Clean Coal Technology,2021,27(4):42-47.
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  • 图表
    • 神木烟煤和预热半焦粒径曲线

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