Study on status quo and development as well as utilization of coal resources “underbuildings,water bodies, railways and above confined water”in North China Coalfields
WU Tao,FANG Xiangqing,NING Shuzheng,WU Zhenling,XU Fei
中国煤炭地质总局 水文地质工程地质环境地质勘查院中国煤炭地质总局 水文地质局中国煤炭地质总局勘查研究总院中国煤炭地质总局 第一勘探局
我国华北地区随着煤矿开采年限的增加,浅部煤炭资源越来越少,部分地区存在资源枯竭的现象。资源枯竭型矿井对“三下一上”煤炭资源的开发利用可有效延长矿井服务年限。为了合理利用我国华北经济发达地区的煤炭资源,通过对煤田地质、水文地质资料分析与研究,利用遥感解译技术手段和煤层底板突水系数法基本摸清了山西、河北、山东、河南及安徽等5个省的“三下一上”煤炭资源分布特征。圈定“三下”压覆面积21 819.27 km2,估算“三下”煤炭资源量约474.15亿t,占资源总量的12.10%。其中,建筑物下煤炭资源量约431.25亿t,铁路下煤炭资源量约12.86亿t,水体下煤炭资源量约30.04亿t。估算“一上”煤炭资源量约954.26亿t,占资源总量的24.35%。其中,埋深600 m以浅约1.69亿t,埋深600~1 000 m约311.66亿t,埋深1 000~1 500 m约640.91亿t。通过“三下一上”[JP]煤炭资源开发利用技术研究,认为减沉技术和减害技术是目前“三下一上”煤炭资源开发利用最有效的技术手段。分析了制约“三下一上”煤炭资源开发利用的因素主要有成本、材料、工艺等。最后指出随着新型充填技术和开采技术的应用,大量的“三下一上”煤炭资源可被开发利用。
With the increase of coal mining years in North China, shallow coal resources are becoming less and less, and there is a phenomenon of resource depletion in some areas. The development and utilization of coal resources “under buildings,water bodies, railwaysand above confined water” in resource exhausted mines can effectively extend the service life of the mines. In order to make rational use of the coal resources in the economically developed areas of North China, the distribution characteristics of coal resources in Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces were basically figured out by analyzing and studying the geological and hydrogeological data of coal fields, remote sensing interpretation technology and water inrush coefficient method of coal seam floor.The coverage areas“under buildings,water bodies and railways” are 21 819.27 km2, It is estimated that the coal resources “under buildings,water bodies and railways” are about 47.415 billion tons, accounting for 12.10% of the total resources. Among them, the coal resources under buildings are approximately 43.125 billion tons, coal resources under railways are approximately 1.286 billion tons,and coal resources under water bodies are approximately 3.004 billion tons. It is estimated that the coal resources above confined water are about 95.426 billion tons, accounting for 24.35% of the total resources. Among them, the buried depth is about 169 million tonsbelow 600 m, the burial depth is about 31.166 billion tons in the depth of 600~1 000 m, and about 64.091 billion tons in the depth of 1 000~1 500 m.Through the research on the technology of coal resource development and utilization in “under buildings,water bodies, railways,and above confined water”, it is believed that the technologies of reducing subsidence and harm are the most effective technical means of coal resource development and utilization in “under buildings,water bodies, railwaysand above confined water”. The main factors restricting the development and utilization of coal resources, such as cost, material and technology were analyzed. Finally, it is pointed out that with the application of new filling technology and mining technology, a large amount of coal resources“under buildings,water bodies, railways and above confined water” can be developed and utilized.
North China Coalfield; filling technology; coal resources; grouting transformation
0 引言
1 “三下一上”煤炭资源分布
1.1 “三下一上”煤炭资源概念
1.2 华北型煤田煤水叠置关系
1.3 调查评价方法
1.4 “三下一上”煤炭资源分布
2 “三下一上”煤炭资源开发利用技术
2.1 减沉技术
3 存在问题和前景分析
3.1 存在的问题
3.2 开发利用前景
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会