Mechanism of connected instability of “rib-roof” in deep large section chamber under dynamic disturbance
YANG Shuhao,WANG Jun,NING Jianguo,SHEN Zhen,LI Zhuang
山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院
Dynamic disturbance induced surrounding rock failure and instability of deep large-section chamber is a prominent problem in large modern coal mines. Based on geological conditions of the typical large-section chamber for coal gangue separation in Xinjulong Coal mine,firstly,this paper studies the deformation and failure evolution process of the surrounding rock of the typical large-section chamber under the dynamic disturbance coupling high static stress using the FLAC3D simulation software,and then reveals the mechanism of connected instability of “rib-roof” in deep large section chamber under dynamic disturbance. Finally,an integrated multi-level security control strategy is proposed. The results indicate that:① during dynamic disturbance,the "slab-rent structure " in the limit equilibrium area of the deep large-section chamber rib was first broken,and then the caving or roof fall of anchorage roof was activated and finally instability of deep large-section chamber was ultimately manifested. ② Dynamic disturbance is the inducing factor of surrounding rock instability of deep large-section chamber,and the high static stress in the limit equilibrium zone is the basic force source. ③ The prevention of surrounding rock instability induced by dynamic disturbance should integrate weakening dynamic load and strengthening anchorage bearing capacity together. For this reason,an multi-level security control strategy integrated the"Stress wave elimination and energy absorption in deep part of chamber-full section anchorage support in shallow part-flexible protection on chamber sufure". The results show that after adopting this technology,the instability of deep large-section chamber was restrained,and the volume of the plastic zone is reduced by 18.46% and the deformation of surrounding rock decrease and the decreasing amplitude is up to 31.78%.
large section chamber; dynamic disturbance; slab-rents; linkage instability; multi-level control
0 引言
1 大断面硐室围岩破坏数值模型的建立
1.1 地质条件
1.2 模型建立与参数选择
1.3 边界条件及动载模型方案
2 动载扰动下大断面硐室围岩破裂时空演化规律
3 动载扰动下大断面硐室围岩变形演化规律
4 动载扰动下深部大断面硐室“帮-顶”联动失稳机理及控制
4.1 动载扰动下大断面硐室“帮-顶”联动失稳机理
4.2 深部大断面硐室“帮-顶”联动失稳控制
5 控制效果分析
6 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会