Cold experiment research of multi-stage air-regulating pre-combustioncyclone burner
NIU Yanqing,XUE Xufeng,ZHANG Hao,HUI Shien
Pulverized coal preheating low-nitrogen combustion technology is the research focus of combustion technology. In order to respond to the era development requirements of "energy saving,environmental protection,green and low-carbon economy",and solve the environmental problems of a large number of pollutants produced during the combustion process of coal such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides,a multi-stage air-regulated pre-combustion swirl burner was designed and developed on the basis of a large number of previous studies on preheating combustion technology. The pre-combustion chamber pulverized coal preheating combustion technology is coupled with the air staged combustion technology to generate a highly reducing atmosphere recirculation zone,effectively controlling the generation of NOx,and improving the ignition performance of refractory coals. In this paper,the influence of different air distribution ratios on the aerodynamic field of the multi-stage air-regulated pre-combustion swirl burner was mainly studied through the cold state model test,and the flow field was tested and analyzed by using the new three-hole probe velocity measurement method to carry out. The results show that under the condition of the constant total air volume,when the primary air rate,the swirl internal secondary air rate and the external secondary air rate are 20.8%,37.5% and 31.2%,the length,width,area and return flow of the recirculation zone reach the maximum,and the the reflux effect is the best,which is conducive to pulverized coal ignition and low NOx combustion. The existence of the pre-combustion chamber is conducive to the formation of a recirculation zone for stable combustion of pulverized coal,and the swirl internal secondary air is the main factor that affects the airflow characteristics of the recirculation zone,which dominates the formation of the central recirculation zone in the precombustion chamber. The external secondary air affects the temperature of the recirculation zone of the precombustion chamber through the airflow in the suction furnace,which is the fundamental reason for the generation of the peripheral recirculation zone in the precombustion chamber. The primary air with a certain rigidity and the secondary air in the direct current will compress the recirculation zone and affect the combustion stabilization effect of the burner.
swirl burner;pre-combustion chamber;multi-level air distribution;recirculation zone;low NOx combustion
0 引言
1 试验
1.1 试验系统
1.2 试验工况
1.3 数据处理
2 结果与分析
2.1 一次风率与旋流内二次风率配比
2.2 一次风率与外二次风率配比影响
2.3 旋流内二次风率与外二次风率配比影响
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会