• 全部
  • Title

    Water prevention technology of shallow-buried depth and super large mining height fully-mechanized mining face passing surface channel flow

  • 作者

    王春雷 池明波 崔东亮 李宇 曹志国

  • Author

    WANG Chunlei,CHI Mingbo,CUI Dongliang,LI Yu,CAO Zhiguo

  • 单位

    国能神东煤炭集团有限责任公司 布尔台煤矿煤炭开采水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    Boertai Coal Mine of CHN Energy Shendong Coal Group Co.,Ltd.,;State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    There are mainly two aspects of the influence of surface ditch flow on the mining of shallow-buried and super-large mining height fully mechanized working faces. First, the surface water seeps into the gob through the mining fissures, which threatens the production safety. The second is that the formation of surface gully flow makes the bedrock in the area flowing through is thin, the underground mining pressure is not obvious, and the hard coal body has adverse effects on production. The above two types of issues seem to be unrelated, but they usually exist at the same time, and become the difficult problem for safe and efficient mining. This paper takes the No.12402 working face of Shangwan Coal Mine in Shendong Mining Area as an example,the research was carried out to studythe ground surface collapse and other situations in this environment. On this basis, the shallow-buried and super-large working face worked through the surface ditches and water prevention measures, including the surface drainage comprehensive treatment measures such as dredging the surface water, backfilling the collapsed riverbeds, and raising the dam to ensure the smooth flow of the river and improve the seepage resistance of the riverbed, so as to achieve the purpose of water prevention and control.In addition, through key technologies such as underground aquifer detection and release, the threat of water gushing from the aquifer is eliminated.By increasing the drainage capacity of the working face and roadway, the problem of water gushing at the working face is effectively solved.At the same time, the purpose of reducing the water accumulation in the gob was achieved without adjusting the slope of the floor.Through the above water control measures in the well, the water pressure can be decomposed and prevented in time and space, and a better water control effect can be achieved.In order to ensure the safe production of the working face under the ditch, combined with the thin bedrock and shallow-buried underground pressure, numerical simulation, field test and other methods are used to propose a method of hydraulic fracturing to weaken the strength of the coal body to solve the strength of the hard coal body.Through numerical simulation, the fracturing parameters were determined, the fracturing design scheme was optimized, and the actual production was continuously improved, which reduced coal energy consumption and achieved the effects of protecting equipment and removing dust.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow-buried coal seam; super large recovery height;surface channel flow; hydraulic fracturing;mine water inrush;water prevention

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 开采及水文地质条件概述

    2 地表水及薄基岩对回采的影响分析

       2.1 地表水对回采的影响

       2.2 薄基岩对回采的影响

    3 防治水及高强度煤体对策

       3.1 防治水对策研究

       3.2 煤体强度弱化对策

    4 防治水及煤体强度弱化实践

       4.1 防治水效果分析

       4.2 煤体强度弱化效果分析

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    WANG Chunlei,CHI Mingbo,CUI Dongliang,et al.Water prevention technology of shallow-buried depth and super large mining height fully-mechanized mining face passing surface channel flow[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(11):142-149.
  • 图表
    • 12401工作面过地表沟流期间周期来压

    图(7) / 表(0)


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