Structure form and evolution characteristics of collapsed roof in goaf
LI Yang,REN Yuqi,WANG Nan,JIN Xiangyang,OU Xiangji,LUO Junbo,MEI Canqi
揭示采空区垮落顶板形态特征对于近距离煤层上行开采、含水层下开采以及废弃采空区瓦斯分布等具有十分重要的意义。从开滦矿区12-1号煤层开采后垮落顶板的现场地质雷达探测结果出发,综合运用材料力学、矿压理论与UDEC数值模拟的方法,对采空区垮落顶板形态的典型特征、形成机理进行了充分研究,描述了采空区“正-倒置三角形”垮落顶板形态动态演化特征,给出了采空区“正-倒置三角形”垮落顶板形态的概念。研究结果:① 通过地质雷达探测反演结果可知,煤层顶板分层明显,采空区垮落顶板呈现正置三角形区域与倒置三角形区域交替出现的形态,其中正置三角形区域内下位岩块堆砌整齐、上位岩块堆砌杂乱,而倒置三角形区域内下位岩块堆砌杂乱、上位岩块完整性好;② 采空区垮落顶板形态的出现是基本顶及其控制的上覆岩层周期破断与已破断的关键岩块再次破断共同作用的结果,当各关键岩块的极限抗弯强度小于受到的最大弯矩时即发生再次破断,且基本顶岩块与上覆岩层发生再次破断的位置不同,2者再次破断位置的差异导致采空区垮落顶板被分为正置三角形与倒置三角形区域;③ 提出了采空区垮落顶板“正-倒置三角形”形态的概念,当基本顶及其控制的上覆岩层分层明显时,在煤层开采工作面周期来压后,基本顶及其控制的上覆岩层关键岩块在最大弯矩的作用下发生再次破断,周期破断与再次破断位置将采空区垮落顶板呈现正置三角形与倒置三角形区域,形成“正-倒置三角形”的垮落顶板形态;④ 运用UDCE模拟获得了采空区垮落顶板的形态特征,一定程度上验证了采空区“正-倒置三角形”垮落顶板形态的存在性与合理性。
It is of great significance to reveal the structure form of collapsed roof in gob for the upward mining of multiple coal seams with close distance, mining under aquifer and gas distribution in abandoned gob. Based on the detection results of the collapsed roof structure form in goaf after No.12-1 coal seam mining in Kailuan coal group, the characteristics and the formation mechanism of collapsed roof structure form in goaf were studied with theoretical analysis of material mechanics ground pressure and UDEC numerical simulation. A concept of "upright and inverted triangle" collapsed roof structure form was proposed and the dynamic evolution characteristics of collapsed roof structure form was described. The results were as follows:① the detection results of ground penetrating radar showed that the roof stratification was obvious. The upright triangular zone and inverted triangular zone of the collapsed roof appeared alternately in the goaf with the characteristics of orderly stacking of lower collapsing rock blocks and disorderly stacking of upper collapsing rock blocks in the upright triangular area, and disorderly stacking of lower collapsing blocks and orderly stacking of upper collapsing blocks in inverted triangular area. ② The reason for the collapsed roof structure form in goaf was the periodic weighting of roof strata and secondary breaking of key block of roof strata in goaf. When the ultimate bending strength of the key block of roof strata in goaf was less than the maximum bending moment, the secondary breaking of the key block of roof strata occurred at different positions. The re-breaking position of key rock blocks of main roof and overlying strata was different. Because of the difference of the re-breaking position of different key rock blocks of roof strata, the collapsed roof was divided into two parts, which was the upright triangular area and the inverted triangular area. ③ The concept of "upright and inverted triangle" collapsed roof structure form was proposed. When the stratification of roof strata is obvious, the key rock blocks of main roof and overlying strata re-break under the action of maximum bending moment after the periodic weighting of panel face. The periodic weighting and re-breaking positions present the collapsed roof in the gob as an upright triangular zone and an inverted triangular zone, forming the "upright and inverted triangle" collapsed roof structure form. ④ The "upright and inverted triangle" collapsed roof structure form was also obviously founded by the UDEC software, which is approximately consistent with field detection and theoretical analysis.
goaf;collapsed roof structure form;evolution characteristics;re-breaking
1 垮落顶板形态现场探测
1.1 探测区概况
1.2 探测方法
1.3 探测结果
2 垮落顶板形态形成机理
2.1 采空区基本顶关键岩块的破断
2.2 采空区上覆岩层关键岩块的破断
3 垮落顶板形态演化特征
4 垮落顶板形态模拟验证
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会