• 全部
  • Title

    Research advances in mining fractures evolution law of rock strata and ecological treatment technology

  • 作者

    李全生 李晓斌 许家林 徐祝贺 张村

  • Author

    LI Quansheng,LI Xiaobin,XU Jialin, XU Zhuhe,ZHANG Cun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining; National Energy InvestmentGroup Co.,Ltd.,; School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;National Institute of Low Carbon and Clean Energy; School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The mining fracture of rock stratum is the direct cause of the damage of overburden aquifer and the threat to underground safety production. It is also the fundamental source of the continuous subsidence and deformation of the surface and the cumulative ecological impact after the working face is pushed. In order to understand the occurrence mechanism, evolution law, research methods, ecological impact and treatment progress of the current overburden fractures, and realize the coordinated and sustainable development of resource development and mining area environment, the evolution law of mining fractures and the development status of ecological treatment technology are expounded. The formation process, fracture types, research methods, monitoring means and research development trend of mining fractures in coal mines are introduced. In terms of the spatial characteristics of mining impact, the evolution law and distribution characteristics of fractures/fissures are introduced according to the classification of overburden fractures, floor fractures and surface fissures, and the mechanical mechanism of the formation of surface fissures in deep mining and high-intensity mining in gully areas in Western China is emphatically analyzed; the application of mining fractures in water conservation mining, coal and gas co-mining and ecological treatment technology are discussed. The source loss technology based on mining parameter optimization, overburden bearing structure stability maintenance loss technology, deformation control loss technology, overburden separation grouting loss technology, integrated technology of extraction and discharge,  soil improvement and phytoremediation technology, and comprehensive restoration technology of coal mining subsidence area are obtained, which is conducive to coal mining, taking into account the rational utilization of groundwater, gas, gangue and other resources and the protection of surface buildings and ecological environment. It is considered that the comprehensive application of various mining fracture methods, mechanical evolution mechanism and quantitative description, deep multiple physical field coupling, exploration of new application fields and control research, clarifying the scientific connotation and evaluation methods of mining damage, determining the scientific concept of ecological restoration in mining areas and establishment of intelligent control system for coordination of mining damage and ecological protection will be the key scientific issues to be studied in the future.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining fractures;water conservation mining;surface subsidence;ecological protection;overlying strata;treatment of subsidence area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 采动裂隙形成过程与分类

    2 采动裂隙的研究手段

       2.1 现场实测

       2.2 模拟分析

       2.3 理论分析

    3 采动裂隙演化规律及分布特征

    4 煤矿区生态治理技术发展现状

       4.1 保水采煤技术

       4.2 煤与瓦斯共采技术

       4.3 开采减损技术

       4.4 生态修复技术

    5 讨论

    6 结论与展望

  • 引用格式
    李全生, 李晓斌, 许家林,等.岩层采动裂隙演化规律与生态治理技术研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2022,50(1):28-47.
    LI Quansheng,LI Xiaobin,XU Jialin,et al.Research advances in mining fractures evolution law of rock strata and ecological treatment technology[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(1):28-47.
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  • 图表
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