• 论文
  • Title

    Study on influence of water blocking of internal dumping site on stability of non-working slope

  • 作者

    孙江 田光 韩流 宋仁忠 韩兴 闫石

  • Author

    SUN Jiang,TIAN Guang,HAN Liu,SONG Renzhong,HAN Xing,YAN Shi

  • 单位

    神华北电胜利能源有限公司中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    Shenhua Nortel Shengli Energy Co.,Ltd.,;School of Mines,China University of Mining & Technology
  • 摘要

    边坡稳定是确保露天矿开采安全、高效进行的重要因素。为研究胜利露天矿内排土场阻水性对岩体内渗流场及非工作帮边坡稳定性影响规律。以胜利露天矿采场非工作帮边坡为研究对象,利用排弃物孔隙度和渗透系数变化规律分析内排土场阻水机理形成原因;根据土力学知识对内排土场边坡垂直及平行层理方向渗透系数进行等效替代;通过GeoStudio软件SEEP/W模块建立模型,模拟内排前边坡内渗流路径及水位线分布情况;对相同边界条件下不同排土高度与宽度引起渗流场变化进行研究;分析孔隙水压力变化情况并耦合SLOPE/W模块进行边坡稳定性评价。结果表明:内排土场排弃物阻水性的形成是非工作帮内渗流场变化主要原因。受内排阻水影响,边坡孔隙水压力过渡区域变化范围增加,浅部土壤孔隙水压力基本维持在-10 kPa左右,土体接近饱和,局部为0,表现出上层滞水,坡顶有水渗出。随着滑移面向内排土场逐渐转移,边坡安全系数由初始状态增加至1.834并最终逐渐回落为1.673后趋于稳定,整体稳定性较内排前有所提高。

  • Abstract

    Slope stability is an important factor to ensure the safety and efficiency of open-pit coal mine.In order to study the influence of water drainage on the seepage field and the stability of non working slope in Shengli open pit mine. This paper takes the non working side slope of Shengli open-pit coal mine as the research object,the formation reason of the water resistance mechanism of the inner drainage field is analyzed by using the change rule of the porosity and permeability coefficient of the waste;based on the knowledge of soil mechanics, the equivalent substitution of permeability coefficient in the direction of vertical and parallel bedding for the slope of Inner Dump;the seepage path and water level distribution in the rock mass of the slope before the inner drainage are simulated;the SEEP/W module of Geo-Studio software is used to build the model, and the seepage field changes caused by different dumping height and width under the same boundary conditions are studied.The variation of pore water pressure was analyzed and the slope stability was evaluated with SLOPE/W module.The results show that the main reason for the change of seepage field in the non-working side is the formation of the water resistance of the waste in the inner dump.Under the influence of internal dumping blocking water,the variation range of excessive pore water pressure in the slope increases,and the pore water pressure of the shallow soil is basically maintained at about -10 kPa, the soil is nearly saturated, and the local pore water pressure is 0,showing the stagnant water in the upper layer and water seepage at the top of the slope.With the gradual shift of the slide towards the inner drainage site,the safety coefficient of the slope increased from the initial state to 1.834 and then gradually dropped to 1.673,and the overall stability was improved compared with that before the inner drainage.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    slope stability; internal dumping site;Shengli Open-pit Mine; water blocking mechanism;seepage field

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFC0501103);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(51804298);国家自然科学基金面上 基金资助项目(51774271)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 内排土场阻水性形成原因

    2 岩体力学参数分析

       2.1 非工作帮力学参数确定

       2.2 内排土场力学参数确定

    3 非工作帮边坡渗流模拟

       3.1 渗流模拟计算原理

       3.2 非工作帮边坡稳定性影响分析

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    SUN Jiang,TIAN Guang,HAN Liu,et al.Study on influence of water blocking of internal dumping site on stability of non-working slope[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(12):186-191.
  • 图表
    • 孔隙变化趋势

    图(9) / 表(0)


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