Development of mine informatization and key technologies of intelligent mines
DING Enjie,YU Xiao,XIA Bing,ZHAO Xiaohu,ZHANG Da,LIU Tongyu,WANG Weidong
中国矿业大学 物联网(感知矿山)研究中心中国矿业大学矿山互联网应用技术国家地方联合工程实验室中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院北京矿冶科技集团有限公司山东科学院激光研究所山东省光纤传感器重点实验室北京邮电大学电子工程学院
The construction of mine informatization has gone through several stages of stand-alone automation,integrated automation,and digital mines,and is developing in the direction of intelligent mines under the support of Internet of Things,artificial intelligence,big data,digital twins and other technologies. The next key research direction of intelligent mines will be around the mine site production scene and the knowledge service system of smart device or equipment. This paper first reviews the development of mining informatization technologies,and then analyzes the core key technologies of intelligent mines,expounding from four aspects:smart device or equipment,edge computing and network services,digital twins knowledge modeling,platforms and application systems. The continuous emergence of smart sensor devices and smart equipment provides a basis for the front-end perception and execution of intelligent mines.The real-time perception,analysis and decision-making are the prerequisites for the autonomous work of smart device or equipment.With the improvement of the computing power of edge gateways,it is necessary to design a lightweight algorithm model for application scenarios and an efficient cloud-side collaboration mechanism to meet the needs of real-time services of smart device or equipment. At the same time,the application of 5G communication technologies in mines will further enhance the rapid response capabilities of knowledge services. The credible digital twins model of mine production scenarios that integrates mine operation mechanism,empirical knowledge,big data analysis and digital twins modeling technology will become the core of knowledge services for intelligent mines.Platform technology oriented to big data and knowledge models is the carrier of digital twins and intelligent services in mines. Efficient access,analysis and utilization of big data can effectively promote the integration of mine intelligent application services. The breakthrough of digital twins in mines and related intelligent technologies will realize real-time measurable,observable,accurate control,precise management and scientific decisionmaking of the physical world of mines,so as to establish a less manned or unmanned mine production mode and lay a foundation for the development of intelligent mines.
intelligent mines;internet of things;digital twin;artificial intelligence;big data
1 矿山信息化发展历程
1.1 单机(系统)自动化
1.2 综合自动化
1.3 矿山物联网
1.4 矿山智能化
1.5 智慧矿山
2 智慧矿山核心关键技术
2.1 智能传感与智能装备
2.2 矿山数字孪生建模技术
2.3 边缘计算与网络服务层
2.4 矿山大数据分析与智能化应用服务
3 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会