• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation of W-type coal boiler blended with distiller′s grains

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Ruidong,ZHUO Xiaohui,MA Lun,CHENG Qiang,LUO Zixue,ZHOU Huaichun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Sichuan Zhongdian Fuxi Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.,;State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion,Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Electrical and Power Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants has the advantages of low conversion cost,flexible peak shaving,and safe operation,which has a positive effect on carbon emission reduction and can realize the efficient utilization of biomass. At present,a large number of experiments and simulation studies have been carried out on the blending of sludge and other substances in coal-fired boilers,but there are few numerical simulation studies on the blending of distiller′s grains in coal-fired boilers. In order to study the influence of blending distiller′s grains in coal-fired boilers on the temperature field,component concentration field and NOx emission in the furnace,the mixed combustion of pulverized coal and distiller′s grains was simulated by numerical simulation and the vortex dissipation model in computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT. The results show that the simulation method is reliable. Under full load,the simulated outlet oxygen,carbon content of fly ash and NOx emission are in good agreement with the experimental results under the same conditions. The simulation results of 0,3%,6%,8% and 10% of the mass fraction of distiller′s grains show that the ignition distance near the nozzle of the burner is shortened,but the overall temperature field of the furnace does not change significantly. The concentration distribution of O2 in the furnace is not significantly affected by the blending of distiller′s grains,the concentration of H2O is increased near the burner nozzle due to the influence of distiller′s grains water content. Blending distiller′s grains have a significant impact on NOx emission,which is the result of the interaction of reducing atmosphere caused by the nitrogen content of blending fuel and the release of biomass volatiles.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-fired boiler;distiller′s grains;co-combustion;nitric oxide;biomass

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 研究对象

    2 数学模型和计算方法

       2.1 数学模型

       2.2 网格划分

       2.3 边界条件

       2.4 研究工况

    3 酒糟掺混燃烧数值模拟结果分析

       3.1 模拟结果验证

       3.2 不同酒糟掺混比对温度场的影响

       3.3 不同酒糟掺混比对组分场的影响

       3.4 不同酒糟掺混比对NOx生成的影响

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    LIU Ruidong,ZHUO Xiaohui,MA Lun,et al.Numerical simulation of W-type coal boiler blended with distiller′s grains[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(3):65-71.
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    • 锅炉三维模型

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