Study on advancing rate of steeply inclined extra thick coal seam in rock burst mine based on loading unloading response ratio
CUI Feng,JIA Chong,LAI Xingping,CHEN Jianqiang,ZHANG Suilin,HE Shifeng
西安科技大学能源学院西安科技大学教育部西部矿井开采及灾害防治重点实验室自然资源部 煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室国家能源集团新疆能源有限责任公司
It is easy for over high advancing rate of working face to induce dynamic disasters such as rock burst. To explore the reasonable advancing rate of working face has become the key to a safe and efficient mining of rock burst mine. Using the methods of numerical simulation,rock mechanics tests and field micro seismic monitoring,by studying the mining stress path experienced by the coal in front of the working face under the influence of the advancing rate of the steeply inclined thick coal seam,the mechanical behavior characteristics of coal samples under the advancing rate mining stress path were analyzed. The study on the change law of loading unloading response ratio of coal samples under mining stress path and the reasonable determination of advancing rate of steeply inclined super thick coal seam were completed and verified by on site engineering practice. The results show that the peak value of mining stress increases with the increase of the advancing rate of the working face in steeply inclined thick coal seam. At the same time,with the increase of advancing rate,the cyclic loading unloading amplitude of mining stress path increases,the cycle times decrease,the main influence area increases,and the action time decreases. The strength of coal samples under different advancing rates stress paths shows a nonlinear increasing trend,and its increasing range increases gradually. The failure degree,cumulative count of acoustic emission and energy of coal samples all increase with the advancing rate of stress paths. The coal sample under the stress path of 6.4 m/d obtained by analogy with the evaluation index of rock burst can be regarded as rock burst. At the same time,the loading unloading response ratio is introduced,and a reasonable method for determining the advancing rate of rock burst mine face based on the mining loading unloading response ratio is put forward. The evaluation index of loading unloading response ratio influenced by different advancing rates mining stress paths is formed,and the safe and efficient mining advancing rate of +425 m level working face is determined. The measured results of micro seismic field verify the effectiveness of determining the advancing rate of working face based on the response ratio of mining loading unloading.
advance speed;steeply inclined extra thick coal seam;rock burst;loading unloading effect;response ratio
1 急倾斜巨厚煤岩体赋存特征
2 推进速度对采动应力路径影响的数值模拟
2.1 不同推进速度模拟方案与模型构建
2.2 不同推进速度下的采动应力路径
3 采动应力路径下煤样力学行为分析
3.1 采动应力路径下煤样加卸试验方案
3.2 采动应力路径下的煤样力学特性
3.3 采动应力路径下的煤样声发射特征
4 煤样冲击类型及其加卸载响应规律
4.1 类比冲击矿压的煤样冲击类型评价分析
4.2 采动应力路径下的煤样加卸载响应规律
4.3 基于加卸载响应比的冲击煤样评价指标
5 工程实践
6 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会