• 全部
  • Title

    Theory and technology of three levels support in bump-prone roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    PAN Yishan1,2,3 ,QI Qingxin4 ,WANG Aiwen1,3 ,XIAO Yonghui2 ,CHEN Jianqiang5 , LÜ Xiangfeng6 ,XU Lianman2 ,DAI Lianpeng7

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院辽宁大学辽宁工程技术大学 冲击地压研究院煤炭科学研究总院 深部开采与冲击地压防治研究院神华新疆能源有限责任公司北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院东北大学 深部金属矿山安全开采教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanics and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 2. Liaoning University,Shenyang  110031,China; 3. Re-search Institute of Rock Burst,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 4. Deep Mining and Rockburst Branch,China Academy of Coal Science, Beijing  100013,China; 5. Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Co. ,Ltd. ,Urumchi  830027,China; 6. School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing  100083,China; 7. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines,Northeastern University,She-nyang  110819,China
  • 摘要



    提出巷道冲击地压防冲支护应从静-动力学两个角度,同时考虑“启动—破坏—停止”全过程。① 在冲击启动前,依据冲击启动的应力条件降低煤体应力,减少弹性能积聚,提高支护阻力,增加启动难度;② 依据冲击停止的能量条件,在冲击过程中,通过改变煤岩体结构与介质属性,吸收或消耗冲击能;③ 在冲击应力波传播的末端,通过提高巷内支护结构阻尼吸收剩余冲击能,减弱冲击应力波对巷道支护结构的破坏。提出冲击地压巷道支护结构应具有让压可缩与吸能特性,防冲支护应根据冲击地压能量特性进行分级设计。


  • Abstract
    In this study, the “ stress-surrounding rock-support” mechanical model of rockburst roadway was estab lished,and it revealed that the starting stress condition of rockburst is that the far-field stress is greater than the critical stress,and the stopping energy condition is that the energy absorbed by the near-field surrounding rock and the energy absorbed by the support is greater than the energy released from the far-field. Based on the dynamic response analysis of the surrounding rock and support in the process of rockburst,it was found that the damping characteristics of the surrounding rock,the impact-resistant and energy absorption characteristics of the anchored rock and the damping and stiffness of the support in the roadway have an important influence on the stability of the surrounding rock subjected to an impact loading. Considering the whole “ starting-breaking-stopping” process of the rockburst,the authors proposed some prevention and control methods on rockburst in the roadway in terms of static and dynamic mechanics. Firstly, before the rockburst starts,according to the stress condition of rockburst start,the methods of reducing the stress and the accumulation of elastic energy of coal and rock mass and improving the resistance of support to increase the diffi culty of rockburst start-up are conducted. Secondly,during the process of rockburst,according to the energy condition of rockburst stopping,the methods of changing structure and properties of coal and rock mass on the propagation path of impact stress wave are conducted to absorb or dissipate the impact energy. Thirdly,at the end of the propagation of the impact stress wave,the method of increasing the strength and damping of the supporting structure in the roadway is conducted to absorb the residual impact energy,and weaken the damage of the supporting structure caused by the im pact stress wave. It is proposed that the supporting structure of rock burst roadway should have the characteristics of yielding and energy absorption,and the impact-resistant support should be designed according to the energy character istics of rock burst. Combined with the failure characteristics of support and surrounding rock under the impact load and the support structure requirements of the rockburst roadway,the energy absorption support equipment,including energy absorption anchor cable,energy absorption O-shaped shed and energy absorption hydraulic support,have been developed. The three-level energy absorption support system was established by the combination of energy absorption components and their complementary functions. The three-level energy absorption support system has the characteris tics of radial yield,circumferential shrinkage and axial stability,and realizes the three-dimensional energy absorption function of the rockburst roadway.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roadway;rock burst;starting stress condition;stopping energy condition;three-level support

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    PAN Yishan,QI Qingxin,WANG Aiwen,et al. Theory and technology of three levels support in bump-prone roadway [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(5):1585-1594.
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  • 图表
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