• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanism and practice of energy absorption and anti-impact of bolt (cable) in deep mining roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    FU Yukai,JU Wenjun,WU Yongzheng,CHEN Jianqiang,JIAO Jiankang,LIU Kunlun

  • 单位

    天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部神华新疆能源有限责任公司

  • Organization
    Coal Mining and Designing Department,Tiandi Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,; Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    为解决深部冲击地压巷道大变形、支护体失效破断难题,以义马常村煤矿21220下巷典型冲击地压巷道为试验现场,采用井下调查、室内试验及理论分析等相结合的方法,分析了冲击载荷下巷道围岩变形破坏机制、高冲击韧性锚杆(索)防冲吸能机理及其应用效果。结果表明:深部回采巷道易冲击大变形的主要原因在于高叠加集中应力,使厚层坚硬岩层释放高积聚弹性能,而现有支护结构强度低、吸能特性差及无法协同防冲,导致支护结构各个被击破而失效;与传统支护材料相比,高冲击韧性锚杆(索)强度高、吸能能力强,合理布置锚杆(索)支护参数可提高其协同防冲的工作区间,通过支护系统吸收冲击地压释放的能量,降低剩余能量对巷道围岩的破坏效应。研究成果在井下进行了工业性试验,试验结果表明:新开发的高冲击韧性锚杆破断载荷342 kN,冲击吸收功166 J,高强锚索破断强度1 770 MPa,伸长率8%,高强金属网静载荷承载能力15.7 kN,单位面积吸收能量达到2.2 kJ/m2。冲击载荷作用下,锚杆和锚索分别在各自安全可靠工作区间内承载,锚杆和锚索轴力呈锯齿状波动,但高冲击韧性支护材料均未出现脆性断裂失效。巷道两帮移近量500 mm,顶板下沉量100 mm,底臌量500 mm,高冲击韧性支护系统大幅度降低了冲击地压巷道围岩变形量,提高了围岩抗冲击能力,支护结构对冲击能量缓冲效果好,有效控制了冲击地压巷道的失稳破坏。

  • Abstract

    In order to solve the problems of large deformation of deep rock burst roadway and failure of support,the typical rock burst roadway of 21220 lower roadway in Changcun Coal Mine of Yima is taken as the test site.By the method of underground investigation,indoor test and theoretical analysis,the deformation and failure mechanism of roadway surrounding rock under impact load,the mechanism of high impact and toughness bolt (cable) against impact and energy absorption and its application effect are analyzed.The results show that the main reason for the high impact and large deformation of deep mining roadway lies in the high superimposed concentrated stress,which makes the thick and hard strata release high accumulated elastic property,while the existing support structure has low strength,poor energy absorption property and can not cooperate with anti scour,which leads to the failure of each support structure; compared with the traditional support materials,the high impact and toughness anchor (cable) has high strength and energy absorption capacity The reasonable arrangement of bolt (cable) support parameters can improve the working area of collaborative anti scour,absorb the energy released by the impact pressure through the support system,and reduce the damage effect of the residual energy on the surrounding rock of the roadway.The results show that the newly developed high impact toughness anchor has a breaking load of 342 kN,an impact absorption energy of 166 J.The breaking strength of the high strength anchor cable is 1 770 MPa,the elongation is 8%; the static load bearing capacity of the high strength metal mesh is more than 15.7 kN,and the absorbed energy per unit area is more than 2.2 kJ/m2.Under the impact load,the anchor bolt and anchor cable respectively bear the load in their safe and reliable working areas.The axial force of the anchor bolt and anchor cable fluctuates zigzag,but the high impact and toughness support materials have no brittle fracture failure.The displacement of the two sides is 500 mm,the subsidence of the roof is 100 mm,and the floor heave is 500 mm.The high impact toughness support system greatly reduces the deformation of surrounding rock,improves the anti impact ability of surrounding rock,the support structure has a good buffer effect on the impact energy,and effectively controls the instability of the impact pressure roadway.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst;high impact and toughness bolt;deep mining;roadway support;energy absorption and weakening theory

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 冲击地压巷道变形破坏机制分析

       1.1 巷道围岩变形破坏特征

       1.2 锚杆支护系统破坏失效特征

       1.3 冲击地压巷道围岩变形破坏机制分析

    2 高冲击韧性锚杆(索)吸能减冲机制

       2.1 高冲击韧性锚杆静、动力学特性

       2.2 高延伸率锚索力学特性

       2.3 高强金属网力学特性

       2.4 锚杆(索)吸能减冲机制

    3 工程应用

       3.1 工程概况

       3.2 高冲击韧性锚杆(索)支护结构防冲吸能校核及设计

       3.3 巷道支护参数

       3.4 矿压观测

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    FU Yukai,JU Wenjun,WU Yongzheng,et al.Mechanism and practice of energy absorption and anti-impact of bolt (cable) in deep mining roadway[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(S2):609-617.
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