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  • Title

    Equivalent section supporting theory and its applications

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHENG Jianwei1,2 ,JU Wenjun1,2 ,ZHANG Zhen1,2 ,WU Jianxing1,2 ,LU Zhiguo1,2 ,YI Kang1,2,3 ,ZHOU Yiqun1,2

  • 单位

    煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院

  • Organization
    1. Beijing Mining Research Institute,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing   100013,China; 2. Coal Mining & Designing Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China; 3. School of Energy & Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China
  • 摘要

    围岩自承载能力的利用对于井工巷道的支护起到关键作用。本文在加固拱理论基础上,结合轴变论得出的巷道围岩自组织平衡过程中巷道断面轴比的演变特征,提出等效断面支护原理。认为人工支护的目的是促使围岩内部形成具有一定轴比的“椭圆状”自承载结构,且将真实承受外部载荷作用的承载结构的剖面中心线构成的曲面称之为等效断面;借助弹性力学对巷道围岩进行建模,分析了巷道围岩内部形成的等效断面边界的受力响应特征,得到了巷道所在区域内水平主应力与垂直主应力的比值(λ)与巷道围岩内部形成的等效断面的轴比(k)之间理论关系的表达方程;分析认为,当等效断面(“椭圆状”承载结构)的轴比(k)与巷道所在地质区域内水平主应力与垂直应力的比值(λ)接近或者相等时,等效断面上的应力最小且均匀分布,可以使该等效断面内巷道围岩处于低位应力环境中;最后运用等效断面支护原理对山西某矿四采区胶轮车巷道支护设计进行有效性评价,且理论分析结果和现场具有良好的对应性。等效断面支护原理可以对现有的支护方法进行重新解构和分析,为巷道支护设计参数的选取提供半定量化的理论支撑:① 在保证巷道功能性的基础上尽量将巷道断面的最大内切椭圆的轴比设计为巷道所在区域地应力场条件下椭圆的最佳轴比(k=λ);② 高度重视锚杆(索)预紧力的施加等级,在巷道内断面端角部位补打锚杆(索)来维持顶板与两帮的应力扩散范围的联通,形成完整的应力椭圆;③ 围岩破碎条件下的巷道在掘进过程中要及时一次支护,后续进行注浆加固,然后再次对围岩施加预紧力;④ 巷道在应力较大且特殊地质条件下采取全断面支护,封闭式的全断面支护有利于促使巷道围岩内部形成完整的应力椭圆承载结构(等效断面)。

  • Abstract
    The self-bearing capacity of surrounding rocks plays a significant role in roadway support. In this study,the Equivalent Section Theory (EST) has been proposed based on the reinforced arch theory and axial variation during the self-organization equilibrium process of surrounding rocks. It is considered from EST that the artificial supports help to form an elliptical-shaped self-bearing structure which takes up the majority of the true load around the roadway in the surrounding rocks and the cross-section of this structure is defined as the equivalent section. The mechanical model of roadway has been established to study the load response of the equivalent section and the relationship between the ratio of main stress to vertical stress (λ) and the axial ratio of the equivalent section ( k). It is found that the equivalent section has the smallest stress when k approaches λ,the stress demonstrates a general even distribution and the sur- rounding rocks of the roadway is in a low stress environment under this condition. The EST has been applied to exam- ine the validity of the support system of a roadway in a coal mine in Shanxi,which shows a comparable result. The the- ory can effectively examine and analyze the supporting method and provide a semi-quantitative theoretical basis for pa- rameter selection. ① The axial ratio of the roadway should be set to the optimized ratio (i. e. k = λ) where applicable; ② Pre-stressing of the bolts and cables should be carefully evaluated and additional bolts can be installed at the cor- ners to connect the stress dispersion scopes between the roof and side walls to form a complete stress ellipse;③ The first support should be timely installed when drilling in roadways with broken surrounding rocks,followed by grouting and additional pre-stressing;④ When the ground stress is large and the geological conditions are complex,a closed complete support can help form the elliptical-shaped self-bearing structure (i. e. equivalent section).
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roadway support; axial variation; equivalent section; self-bearing structure; mathematic analysis; lateral stress ratio

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHENG Jianwei,JU Wenjun,ZHANG Zhen,et al. Equivalent section supporting theory and its applications[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(3):1036-1043.
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