• 全部
  • Title

    Abnormal coal seam gas occurrence characteristics and the dynamic disaster control technologies in the magmatic rock intrusion area

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Liang;GUO Haijun;CHENG Yuanping;WANG Kai;XU Chao;JIANG Jingyu;WU Yuchen;LIAO Xiaoxue;TANG Hanlu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
    Beijing Key Laboratory for Precise Mining of Interg⁃rown Energy and Resources, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    School of Emergency Management and SafetyEngineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    To study the effect of magmatic rock occurrence on coal gas dynamic disasters, the thermal metamorphismof magmatic rocks intruding into coal measure strata and the variation of coal chemical structural and physical proper⁃ties are studied comprehensively using the methods of theoretical analysis, laboratory testing, numerical simulation and engineering practice. Then, the mechanism of coal and rock gas dynamic disasters under the conditions of mag⁃matic rock occurrence is discussed and the key control technologies are proposed. The results show that ① the mag⁃ma cools and transfers heat to the surrounding rocks through the heat conduction. The thermal evolution and thermody⁃namic contact metamorphism of magma not only increase the metamorphic grade and make it present the characteristicsof zoning distribution, but also result in that the trend of deoxidation, dehydrogenation and carbon enrichment in coalsbecome gradually evident. ② The tectonic stress caused by the magmatic rock intrusion and the thermal evolutionof magma is easy to cause the tectonic coalification of the underlying coal seams and the pores in coals are severe⁃ly damaged. These result in the increase of the coal pore volume and specific surface area, and the enhancement of thead⁃/ desorption ability of coals to gas. ③ In the magmatic rock occurrence area, the secondary hydrocarbon generationin coals and the trap effects of the tight magmatic rocks result in that the gas content and gas pressure of the underly⁃ing coal seams increase greatly, which increases the risk of the coal and gas outburst. ④ When the impact load pro⁃duced by the thick and hard magmatic rocks breakage is applied to the underlying coal seams, the stress superpositionis equivalent to the increase of the buried depth of coal seams and causes the plastic failure of coals. In addition, theenergy superposition makes the potential disaster⁃causing energy of coal and gas increase, which is the main factorof the coal gas dynamic disaster. On this basis, the sensitive index system and the control technologies for the accurateprediction of coal and rock dynamic disasters in the magmatic rock intrusion area were put forward combining with theoccurrence characteristics of coal seams and gases.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    magmatic rock;thermal metamorphism;coal gas dynamic disaster;disaster⁃causing mechanism;disaster prediction;disaster control

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