Development and prospect of coal gasification technology in China
WANG Lifeng
As a key technology for clean and efficient utilization of coal resources,coal gasification technology has developed rapidly in recent years. The important role of coal gasification technology in energy utilization and development in China was summarized,the current development context of coal gasification technology application in China was introduced,and the mainstream fixed bed gasification technology,fluidized bed gasification technology and entrained bed gasification technology were compared. The characteristics and applications of various gasification technologies were summarized,the experience and lessons of coal gasification technology application in China were pointed out,the future development trend of new gasification technology and mainstream coal gasification technology was forecasted. It is proposed that China′s coal gasification technology has gradually changed from extensive in the early stage to connotation intensive development stage. Under the background of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals",the development direction of coal gasification technology mainly foucus on improving the overall efficiency of the gasifier,broadenning the adaptability of coal types,improving the production capacity of a single furnace of the gasifier,reducing the risk of shutdown,ensuring the reliability of the device,reducing the impact of gasification technology on the environment,and strengthening coal gasification technology integration with new coal chemical industry.
coal chemical industry;coal gasification technology;carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals;improve quality and efficiency
0 引言
1 煤气化技术开发及应用
1.1 固定床气化技术
1.2 流化床气化技术
1.3 气流床气化技术
1.4 其他气化技术
2 煤气化应用现状
3 未来发展方向
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会