• 全部
  • Title

    Characteristics of microwave⁃assisted Fe⁃catalyzed pyrolysis of Huaxia coal and char structure evolution

  • 作者


  • Author

    TUO Kaiyong,LIU Shuqin,WANG Liping,CHEN Gang,MA Weiping, NIU Maofei,LIU Huan,GUO Wei

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 化学与环境工程学院山西高碳能源低碳化利用研究设计院有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;Shanxi High Carbon Energy Low Carbon Utilization Research and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    微波热处理技术以其独特的快速均匀选择性加热方式为基于热解转化的煤炭清洁高效利 用提供了新途径。 为研究微波辅助兼具催化活性和介电响应的 Fe 基催化剂对低阶煤热解升温和 热失重特性气体析出规律以及煤焦介电性能和碳微晶结构演变行为的影响在微波管式热解炉上 对华夏低阶煤进行了不同辐射时间下的 Fe 催化热解实验。 借助矢量网络分析仪N-吸附FTIRXRDRaman 和同步热分析仪等表征了煤焦物化性质。 结果表明:引入 Fe 催化剂能够充分强化 热解挥发分在5~15min内的深度释放使得煤样呈现出更为明显的热失重。 微波优先被Fe催化剂 损耗可有效促进活性位点的生成进而高效诱发了煤大分子官能团热裂解反应的发生连续辐射 5 min即可明显促进 H和 CO 的快速生成最终使得合成气产量由煤单独热解的 198 mL / g 显著提 高至 370 mL / g。 煤微波辅助热解过程中 Fe 催化剂的引入有效抑制了煤焦芳香碳层的横向内部生 长和纵向堆垛进而显著提升了碳微晶不规整度以及丰富了碳骨架中的缺陷结构有助于大幅提升 煤焦气化反应速率使其气化反应指数增加4~5。 Fe催化作用下挥发分的快速释放以及金属氧 化物的生成充分强化了煤焦以热能形式耗散微波能的能力进而使其介电损耗因子 ε′′在辐射 10 ~ 20 min 内呈现出大幅增加的突变。 此外微波辅助活性组分 Fe 能够侵蚀煤基质表面发挥造孔和扩 孔作用从而有利于煤焦高比表面积的形成以及发达孔隙结构的构筑

  • Abstract

    Microwave⁃thermal treatment offers a novel approach for the clean and high⁃efficient utilization of coal re⁃ sources based on pyrolysis conversion due to its unique merits of quick and even heat transfer and optional heat transfer. This study investigated the effect of the Fe⁃based catalyst with both catalytic activity and dielectric response on the tem⁃ perature⁃rising and thermal weight loss characteristics of coal samples, release law of gas components, dielectric properties and the evolution behavior of carbon microcrystalline structure of coal chars.Microwave⁃assisted Fe⁃catalyzed pyrolysis of Huaxia low⁃rank coal was carried out in a microwave tube furnace under different radiation time.Physico⁃ chemical properties of coal chars were characterized by vector network analyzer,N2⁃adsorption,FT⁃IR,XRD,Raman and synchronous thermal analyzer. Results manifested that the introduction of the Fe catalyst could effectively enhance the deep release of pyrolysis volatiles within 5 15 minutes, resulting in the coal samples exhibiting a conspicuous thermal weight loss peak. Microwave interacted preferentially with the Fe catalyst could generate a large number of active sites,which efficiently induces the occurrence of thermal cracking reactions of coal macromolecu⁃ lar chains and functional groups.Microwave⁃assisted Fe is conducive to the rapid generation of Hand CO within 5 mi⁃ nutes of continuous radiation,leading to the syngas yield is considerably improved from 198 mL / g of pure coal sample to 370 mL / g of coal sample load with the Fe catalyst.Furthermore,the appearance of Fe effectively inhibits the planar ex⁃ tension and longitudinal stacking of aromatic carbon layer of coal chars,which can significantly augment the irregularity of carbon crystallites and enrich the defect structure in the carbon skeleton,resulting in the gasification reaction index of coal chars increasing by 4-5 times through sufficiently enhanced gasification reaction rate.The rapid release of vola⁃ tiles under the catalytic action of Fe and the generation of metal oxides have fully strengthened the ability of coal chars to dissipate the microwave energy with the form of heat energy,which enables the dielectric loss factor ε′′to exhibit a dramatic increase within 10 20 minutes of microwave radiation. Additionally, the microwave⁃assisted Fe can corrode the surface of coal matrix to exert the influence of pore formation and expansion,which is conductive to the generation of high specific surface area and the construction of developed pore structure of coal chars.

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    TUO Kaiyong, LIU Shuqin, WANG Liping, et al. Characteristics of microwave⁃assisted Fe⁃catalyzed pyrolysis of Huaxia coal and char structure evolution[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):1030-1047.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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