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  • Title

    DOM characteristics and sources of mine water in themiddle Yellow River Basin based on parallel factor method

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiyu,YANG Jian,WANG Hao,LIU Ji,DONG Xingling,WANG Tiantian

  • 单位

    西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司陕西省“四主体一联合”黄河流域中段矿区( 煤矿) 生态环境保护与修复校企联合研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Energy and Power Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an Research Institute of CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute;Shaanxi Engineering Research Center of Mine Ecological Environment Protection and Restoration in the Middle of Yellow River Basin
  • 摘要

    黄河流域中段是我国煤炭资源禀赋最为优异区域也是重要的煤炭产区煤炭高强度开 采过程中产生了大量矿井水。 由于井下采掘设备用油泄漏等导致矿井水普遍出现有机污染物 超标且污染物种类和特征不清楚大大限制了矿井水的安全回用。 为了查清矿井水中有机污 染物特征和来源本研究以黄河流域中段蒙陕接壤矿区 15 座煤矿为研究对象在检测分析井下 中央水仓矿井水常规理化指标基础上利用 TOC-VCPH 分析仪紫外分光光度计三维荧光光 谱仪等设备开展矿井水中溶解性有机质(DOM)检测并采用平行因子法确定矿井水中 DOM 的 组分特征再结合主成分分析及相关性分析方法分析矿井水中 DOM 来源及影响因素。 结果表 明:悬浮物是研究区矿井水中的常规污染物高浊度矿井水占比 100%超标倍数达到 3.0 ~ 85.0 ;溶解性总固体TDS) 、氟化物和硝酸盐为研究区矿井水的特征污染物其中水文地球化学垂 向分带性导致深埋含水层中 TDS 浓度较高氟化物以榆神矿区煤层埋深 300 m 左右的矿井最为 显著部分矿井水硝酸盐超标率达到 20.0% ~ 55.8%;平行因子分析法计算得到的 15 座煤矿矿 井水研究区矿井水中主要出现了 类荧光组分其中以类酪氨酸为代表的类蛋白物质是矿井水 中 DOM 主要组分对 DOM 整体贡献率达到 63.0% ~ 89.0%其主要来源于井下乳化油泄漏产生 的酚类二氯苯苯等芳香烃。 三维荧光分析发现这 15 座煤矿矿井水具有相同的荧光指数特 征:自生源指数(BIX)小于 2.0(0.8~1.4)。 腐殖化指数(HIX)小于 4.0(0.6~2.5)、荧光强 度(FI)大于 1.0(1.5~2.2),表明研究区 DOM 普遍来源于类蛋白物质;通过主成分分析与相关性 分析进一步验证了井下油类污染物是该研究区矿井水 DOM 主要来源。 基于平行因子分析法 得到的矿井水中 DOM 标准三维荧光指纹图和荧光特征的研究为黄河流域中段矿井水的安全 可持续利用提供科学依据

  • Abstract

    The middle section of the Yellow River Basin is a top area of coal resource endowment in China,and it is al⁃ so an important coal production area. A large amount of mine water is produced in the process of high intensity coal mining. Due to the leakage of oil in underground mining equipment,some organic pollutants generally appear in mine water,and the types and characteristics of pollutants are not clear,which greatly limits the safe reuse of mine water. In order to find out the characteristics and sources of organic pollutants in mine water,this study took 15 coal mines in the middle part of the Yellow River basin bordering Mongolia and Shaanxi as research objects. On the basis of detecting and analyzing the conventional physicochemical indexes of mine water in the central underground water sump,the detection of dissolved organic matter(DOM)in mine water was conducted by using TOC-VCPH analy⁃ zer, UV spectrophotometer, 3D fluorescence spectrometer and other equipment. Using the parallel factor method,the component characteristics of DOM in mine water were determined,and then combined with principal com⁃ ponent analysis and correlation analysis methods,the sources and influencing factors of DOM in mine water were ana⁃ lyzed. The results showed that the suspended solids were the conventional pollutants in mine water in the study area. High turbidity mine water accounted for 100% of the total dissolved solids(TDS),fluoride and nitrate were the characteristic pollutants in mine water in the study area,among which the hydrogeochemical vertical zonation led to higher TDS concentration in the deeply buried aquifer. Fluoride was most significant in the mines with coal seams buried at a depth of about 300 m in Yushen mining area,and the exceedance rate of nitrate in some mines is 20.0%-55.8%. Four types of fluorescent components appear in the mine water of 15 coal mines based on the calcula⁃ tion of parallel factor analysis. The protein⁃like substances represented by tyrosine are the main components of DOM in mine water,with an overall contribution rate of 63.0%-89.0% to DOM,which mainly comes from underground phe⁃ nols,dichlorobenzene,benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons generated from emulsified oil leaks. Three⁃dimensional fluorescence analysis reveals that the mine water of these 15 coal mines has the same fluorescence index characteris⁃ tics:autogenic index(BIX)less than 2.0(0.8-1.4),humification index(HIX)less than 4.0(0.6-2.5),and fluorescence intensity(FI)greater than 1.0(1.5-2.2),indicating that DOM in the study area generally originates from protein⁃like substances. The principal component analysis and correlation analysis further verify that the downhole oil contaminants are the main source of DOM in mine water in this study area. The standard three⁃dimensional fluores⁃ cence fingerprints and fluorescence characteristics of DOM in mine water obtained from this study based on parallel factor analysis provide a scientific basis for the safe and sustainable utilization of mine water in the middle section of the Yellow River basin.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    the middle Yellow River Basin;mine water;dissolved organic matter;parallel factor;principal component analysis

  • 引用格式
    张溪彧,杨建,王皓,等. 基于平行因子法的黄河流域中段矿井水中 DOM 特征及来源[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):936-947.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Xiyu,YANG Jian,WANG Hao,et al. DOM characteristics and sources of mine water in themiddle yellow river basin based on parallel factor method[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):936-947.
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