Fluorine pollution characteristics and formation mechanism of mine water in Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area
王甜甜薛建坤尚宏波周振方杨 建刘 基曹 煜
WANG Tiantian, XUE Jiankun,SHANG Hongbo, ZHOU Zhenfang,YANG Jian,LIU Ji,CAO Yu
自然成因高氟地下水诱发的环境及饮用水安全问题受到国内外广泛关注,前人对其分布特 征及形成机制开展了大量研究,但高氟矿井水形成与地下水不同,受自然成因与人类活动双重控 制。 针对目前矿井水中氟的污染特征及成因机制尚不清晰的问题,以蒙陕接壤区某矿井为研究对 象,采集地表水、地下水、矿井水水样 71 组,地下含水层岩样 34 组,通过水岩样检测分析,研究矿井 水中氟的主要污染特征,并借助 piper 三线图、Gibbs 图、岩石 SEM-EDS,离子关系图等探究高氟矿 井水的形成机制。 研究结果表明:研究区 2-2 煤矿井水与 3-1 煤矿井水氟离子质量浓度相差较 大,2-2 煤及 3-1 煤矿井水氟的平均质量浓度分别为 0.29,6.36 mg / L,2-2 煤顶板及 3-1 煤顶板地 下水中氟的质量浓度分别 0.30,4.32 mg / L,3-1 煤高氟矿井水的形成与其顶板地下水中氟富集密 切相关。 3-1 煤顶板地下水氟富集的主要原因是岩石中氟质量分数较高,平均值为 609 mg / kg,氟 磷灰石、角闪石及云母等含氟矿物的溶解是地下水中氟离子的主要来源。 此外,3-1 煤顶板地下水 中氟富集还受绿泥石、伊利石及蒙脱石互层等黏土矿物表面的氟解吸作用及地下水 Na+ 与岩石 Ca2+、Mg2+阳离子交换吸附作用的影响。 较高质量浓度的OH-及HCO-3竞争吸附黏土表面的电位, 促进 F- 的解吸;且高 Na、低 Ca 的环境抑制了 CaF2 沉淀的生成,促进了氟的富集。 最终 3-1 煤顶板 地下水在采煤扰动作用下经导水裂隙涌入采煤巷道或工作面形成高氟矿井水,随后与采空区岩石 发生二次充分水-岩作用,进一步导致矿井水氟质量浓度升高。
The environment and drinking water safety problems induced by high fluoride (F) groundwater with natural origin have attracted widespread attention at home and abroad. Thus, many scholars have carried out some researches on the distribution characteristics and formation mechanism of fluorine in groundwater. However, unlike groundwater, the formation of high fluorine mine water is controlled by some natural causes and human activities. This paper is to study the main pollution characteristics and formation mechanism of fluorine in mine water. Setting the boundary area of Mongolia⁃Shaanxi as the research area, Seventy⁃one groups water samples including surface water, groundwater, mine water and thirty⁃four groups underground aquifer rock samples were collected to study the main pollution characteristics of fluorine in mine water. Piper trigram, Gibbs diagram, rock SEM-EDS and ion relation diagram were used to explore the formation mechanism of high fluorine mine water. Results show that the fluoride concentration of 3-1 coal mine water is different from that of 2-2 coal mine water. The average concentration of fluorine in 2-2 coal mine water and 3-1 coal mine water is 0.29 and 6.36 mg / L, respectively. The average concen⁃ tration of fluorine in 2-2 coal mine roof groundwater and 3-1 coal mine roof groundwater is 0.30 and 4.32 mg / L. Ob⁃ viously, the formation of high fluorine content in 3-1 coal mine water is closely related to fluorine enrichment in 3- 1 coal roof groundwater. And, the main reason of fluoride enrichment in 3-1 coal roof groundwater is the high fluor⁃ ide concentration in rock with mean concentration 609 mg / kg. The dissolution of fluorine⁃bearing minerals including fluorapatite, hornblende and mica is the main source of fluoride ion in groundwater. Besides, the fluoride enrichment is also controlled by fluoride ion desorption from chlorite and illite interbedded with montmorillonite and cation ex⁃ change. Higher concentrations of OH- and HCO-3 compete to adsorb potential on clay surface and promote fluorine de⁃ sorption. In addition, the environment with high Na and low Ca reduces the formation of CaF2 precipitation and pro⁃ motes the enrichment of fluorine. Subsequently, affected by mining, the 3-1 coal roof groundwater flowing into coal roadway or working face through the water⁃conducting fracture zone forms the high fluorine mine water. Then, second⁃ ary full water⁃rock interaction occurs between mine water and goaf rock, which further leads to the increase of fluor⁃ ide concentration in mine water.
mine water;fluorine;pollution characteristics;hydrochemical characteristics;Shaanxi and Inner Mongo⁃ lia contiguous area
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会