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  • Title

    Mine water quality variation during the overhaul of fully mechanized mining equipment in Shenfu mining area

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Jian1,2 ,WANG Qiangmin2 ,WANG Tiantian2 ,ZHANG Xiyu2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining,Beijing  102211,China; 2. CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute,Xi’an 710054,China
  • 摘要

    鄂尔多斯盆地神府矿区生态环境脆弱、水资源短缺,矿井水是重要的非常规水资源,但是井下采掘过程中产生的各种污染组分,又大大限制了矿井水的回用。工作面是污染组分产生的主要来源,特别是综采设备检修期间。为查清工作面综采设备检修过程中污染组分释放规律,开展了该阶段矿井水水质变化的现场实验研究,结果表明:研究区煤层顶板基岩含水层长期水岩相互作用形成的高矿化度地下水,导致采空区积水中TDS质量浓度具有基岩含水层水特征(TDS=1348.0 mg/L)。综采设备检修和正式回采过程中设备用水TDS质量浓度较低,使综采工作面矿井水中TDS质量浓度略有降低(1 296.0~1 316.0 mg/L),其中SO2-4质量浓度降低了28.0~48.0 mg/L。设备检修过程中的人类活动,向矿井水中排放NH4+和大肠杆菌等,硝化作用使采空区和检修前矿井水中NO-3质量浓度较高(1.12~1.97 mg/L)。综采设备检修会导致矿井水中耗氧量、TOC含量,UV254等有机物指标质量浓度显著增加,利用三维荧光指纹发现,采空区和设备检修前的矿井水中主要存在人类活动废水和煤溶出有机质,设备检修期间矿井水中主要存在多环芳烃和石油类污染物,且荧光强度非常高;正式回采期间矿井水中则存在人类活动排出有机物、设备用油、煤溶出有机物等。综采工作面(尤其是设备检修阶段)矿井水中油类污染物质量浓度相对较高。因此,有必要做好综采工作面有机污染的控制,以降低矿井水中污染物质量浓度和矿井水处理成本,扩大矿井水回用途径。

  • Abstract

    The ecological environment is fragile and the water resources are scarce at Shenfu mining area in the Ordos Basin. Mine water is an important unconventional water resource. However,the various pollution components produced during the underground mining process have greatly limited the reuse of mine water. The working face is the main source of pollution components,especially during the overhaul of fully mechanized mining equipment. In order to find out the release law of pollutant components during the overhaul process of the fully mechanized mining equipment in the working face,a field experimental study on the variation of mine water quality at this stage was carried out. The re- sult showed that long term water-rock interaction caused a high concentration TDS ( >1 000 mg / L) of groundwater in the coal seam roof aquifer. The groundwater was mixed with a low concentration TDS of used water during the period of fully mechanized coal mining equipment maintenance and mining. The concentration was 1 296. 0-1 316. 0 mg / L TDS of mine water, and the concentration of SO24- decreased by 28. 0-48. 0 mg / L. Human activity discharged some pollu- tants (e. g. NH+ and Escherichia coli) to mine water, and nitrification increased the concentration of nitrate (1. 12-1. 97 mg / L) in mine water of the mined out face and prior to equipment maintenance. The concentrations of oxygen consumption,TOC and UV254 obviously increased with fully mechanized coal mining equipment maintenance. Three-di- mensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3DEEMs) showed that main organic matters were tyrosine like and tryptophan like from human activity and coal dissolving. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and petro- leum pollutants were main organic matters during fully mechanized mining equipment maintenance,and the fluores- cence intensities were very high. Finally,there were some organic matters from human activity,equipment oil and coal during coal mining,but the fluorescence intensities were lower. In a word,a fully mechanized mining equipment main- tenance caused a high concentration of many contaminations (especially organic matter). Good pollution control would help reducing the concentration of pollutants and the cost of mine water treatment.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine water;water quality change;coal mining face;Shenfu mining area;Three-dimensional fluorescence fingerprint

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    YANG Jian,WANG Qiangmin,WANG Tiantian,et al. Mine water quality variation during the overhaul of fully mecha- nized mining equipment in Shenfu mining area[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(12):3710-3718.
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