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  • Title

    Evaluation on stress sensitivity of multiscale pore and fracture in shale based on LF-NMR

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Ting,ZHAI Cheng,ZHAO Yang,SUN Yong

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 安全工程学院煤矿瓦斯与火灾防治教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines under Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    页岩储层甲烷原位燃爆压裂是一项变革性技术为了研究燃爆压裂后页岩储层内多尺度 孔裂隙的应力敏感性以龙马溪组页岩为研究对象基于低场核磁共振系统在线测试了完整岩心Y1自支撑裂缝岩心 Y2 和含支撑剂裂缝岩心 Y3 在不同围压下的 T2 并对 Y2 进行了可视化分 析通过理论分析并结合前人的测试结果提出了页岩多尺度孔裂隙结构的分类方法基于该方 法研究了不同尺度孔裂隙的压缩特性随围压的变化规律研究发现:随着围压的增大不同尺度孔 裂隙普遍呈降低趋势且孔隙尺度越大降幅越明显;但岩心 Y1 Y3 中出现了中孔升高的现象这是由于压缩过程中原本赋存于裂缝内的水转移到了中孔并引起 T2 信号增强导致的不同尺度 孔裂隙的压缩性存在显著差异且孔隙尺度越大压缩系数越高应力敏感性越强裂缝的存在导 致页岩的应力敏感性大幅提高而支撑剂的引入显著降低了裂缝的可压缩性此外随着应力的增 加不同尺度孔裂隙的压缩系数多成负指数降低趋势但微小孔隙通常降幅相对较小中孔次之裂 缝的压缩系数降幅最大

  • Abstract

    Explosive fracturing of shale with in⁃situ methane is a revolutionary technique.To investigate the stress sen⁃ sitivity of multiscale pore⁃fracture in fractured reservoir,the T2 spectrum tests were conducted on intact shale core Y1, self⁃supported fractured core Y2 and supported fractured core Y3 with the Longmaxi shale based on in⁃situ LF⁃NMR. Besides,NMI was also conducted on core Y2.A new classification method of multiscale pores in shale was put forward based on theoretical analysis.Also,the change of compressibility of multiscale pores with confining pressure were stud⁃ ied.Results show that the volume of pores with different scales decreases with an increase of confining stress.The pores with larger scales relate to more obvious decrease.However,the volume of mesopore increases during compression, which may be caused by water migration from fractures to mesopores.There is an obvious difference among the com⁃ pressibilities of pores with various scales,and a big pore relates to a high compressibility and strong stress sensitivity. Existence of fracture leads to a significant increase in the stress sensitivity of shale,while the introduction of proppant markedly reduces the fracture compressibility.Besides,with the increase of stress,the compressibility of pores with different sizes tends to decrease followed by a negative exponential function.The decrease of micropore compressi⁃ bility is relatively small,followed by mesopores,and the decrease of fracture compressibility is the largest.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shale;multiscale pores;LF-NMR;stress sensitivity;self⁃supported fracture

  • 引用格式
    刘厅,翟成,赵洋,等. 基于 LF-NMR 的页岩多尺度孔裂隙应力敏感性评价[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(S2): 887-897.
  • Citation
    LIU Ting,ZHAI Cheng,ZHAO Yang,et al. Evaluation on stress sensitivity of multiscale pore and fracture in shale based on LF-NMR[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):887-897.
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