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  • Title

    Influence of uneven lighting of microscope on petrographic images and its calibration methods

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Yue,QU Sijian,BAI Xiangfei,WU Linlin, ZHANG Yuhong,ZHANG Yunpeng

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 煤化工分院煤炭资源开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;Research Institute of Coal Chemistry,China Coal Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization
  • 摘要

    镜质体反射率自动测试及煤岩显微组分智能识别需结合图像分析和深度学习算法而图像 分析一般在较大视域下采集图像以获得全面的图像信息利用蓝宝石(L)、钇铝石榴石(YAG)和 钆镓石榴石(GGG)3 个光学各向同性的标准物质研究煤岩显微镜光照对大视域下采集显微图像 特征的影响分别假设显微镜光源为点光源和面光源对其进行理论分析采用基于低通滤波和顶帽 变换的数字图像处理技术对非均匀光照产生的影响进行校正并通过实际样品测试结果进行验证结果表明:蓝宝石钇铝石榴石钆镓石榴石 3 个标样图像的灰度( 反射光强) 近似为以图像中心点 为圆心的同心圆分布灰度从图像中心到边缘逐渐降低;图像中心区域的灰度梯度降低较小而远 离图像中心位置的灰度梯度降低急剧增大;标样灰度分布特征随显微镜光轴中心变化而发生改变理论分析表明无论煤岩显微镜光源为点光源还是面光源均会产生非均匀光照现象煤岩光片表 面的反射光被显微相机采集后形成图像阴影使用低通滤波和顶帽变换均可校正非均匀光照形成 的图像阴影校正后的标样图像灰度均值大幅提高标准差显著降低1 / 4 分位 ~ 3 / 4 分位的灰度差 可控制在 2 个灰度以内;采用顶帽变换校正后的标样图像灰度标准差和灰度均匀性均低于低通滤 波而细节分辨率高于后者单煤和混煤样品的测试结果表明使用低通滤波和顶帽变换均可校正 图像采用顶帽变换的效果优于低通滤波

  • Abstract

    The combination of digital image analysis and deep learning algorithm is essential for automatic determina⁃ tion of vitrinite reflectance and intelligent recognition of coal macerals. Generally speaking,the images are collected in a large field of view to obtain comprehensive information. Three optically isotropic standard samples,i.e.,sapphire,yt⁃ trium aluminum garnet (YAG) and gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG),are selected to study the influence of uneven lighting of microscope on the characteristics of petrographic images,as the images of standard samples are collected in large view of field. Theoretical analyses are conducted as the illumination of petrographic microscope are point light and area light. Finally,the digital image processing technologies based on lowpass filter and top⁃hat transformation are used to calibrate the uneven⁃lighted images. The coal samples are used to verify the calibration effect. The distribution of gray level ( reflection intensity ) in sapphire, yttrium aluminum garnet ( YAG ) and gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) are similar to concentric circles as the center point is located in the center of the image. The gray val⁃ ue decreases from the center to the edge of the image. The gradient of gray value in the center of the image decreases slightly,while that of the point far away from the center decreases dramatically. The distribution of gray value in the standard samples changed with the optical axis of the microscope. The uneven lighting is sure to occur whether the light source of the petrographic microscope is point light or area light according to the theoretical analysis. The reflec⁃ ted light on the surface of blocks is captured by the CCD camera and some shadows will be formed in the digital im⁃ age. The shadow image caused by uneven lighting can be calibrated by lowpass filter and top⁃hat transform. The mean gray value of the calibrated standard image is greatly improved while the standard deviation is significantly reduced. The gap between the first and third quartile is within 2 gray value. The standard deviation and uniformity of the gray value in the standard images after top⁃hat transform are lower than those of lowpass filter,while the resolu⁃ tion capability of pixel difference after top⁃hat transform is better than that of lowpass filter. The petrographic ima⁃ ges can be calibrated by both lowpass filter and top⁃hat transform as shown by the results of single coal and blending coal. The top-hat transform is preferred in petrographic image calibration.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal maceral, uneven lighting, gray, image analysis, shading calibration

  • 引用格式
    王越,曲思建,白向飞,等.显微镜非均匀光照对煤岩显微图像的影响及校正方法[ J].煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):877-886.
  • Citation
    WANG Yue,QU Sijian,BAI Xiangfei,et al.Influence of uneven lighting of microscope on petrographic images and the calibration methods[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):877-886.
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