• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on the prevention and control of mine earthquake by high pressure water fracturing of huge thick strata in vertical shaft

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHANG Xiaoguang,ZHU Sitao,JIANG Fuxing,ZHANG Xiufeng,WANG Chunyao,WANG Chao, XIE Huadong,YAN Xianyang,LIU Jinhai,WEI Quande

  • 单位

    北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院山东能源集团有限公司兖州煤业股份有限公司华北科技学院 应急技术与管理学院北京安科兴业矿山安全技术研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    chool of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;2.Shandong Energy Group Company Limit⁃ ed,Jinan 250014,China;3.Yanzhou Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Jining 272101,China;4.School of Emergency Technology and Management,North China Uni⁃ versity of Science and Technology,Langfang 065201,China;5.Beijing Anke Xingye Mine Safety Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    巨厚坚硬岩层运动产生的矿震和冲击地压灾害防控难度大已经成为我国多个巨厚坚硬岩层矿区矿井安全生产的主要障碍。 以东滩煤矿六采区巨厚硬岩工作面开采为工程背景根据工作面开采期间矿震发生规律地层结构特征及煤层开采条件提出了地面直井分段水压致裂防控深井巨厚硬岩运动型矿震的方法通过地面直井压裂降低巨厚硬岩的完整性减小巨厚硬岩运动释放的弹性能压裂期间采用自主研发的高精度连续采集微震监测系统对压裂过程中形成的裂缝形态进 行监测通过对压裂过程中的管路压力曲线微震事件以及压裂后63上 06 工作面回采过程中发生的微震事件规律进行分析得到以下结论:1.通过对压裂曲线以及压裂过程中接收到的有效微震 事件在时间上分布规律的分析将地面直井巨厚岩层水压致裂裂缝形成发育的整个过程分为起裂、 岩石裂隙扩展主裂缝形成主裂缝延伸与次生裂缝形成和裂缝闭合返排 个阶段;根据微震监 测结果地面直井高压水致裂形成的主裂缝方向 143° ~ 150°长度为 220 ~ 300 m竖直高度 300 ~ 344 m基本实现了对目标巨厚硬岩的全厚压裂;根据 63上 06 工作面在地面直井压裂区域开采期 间的微震监测结果对比相邻3个工作面在 0 ~ 500 m 开采期间 1.5 级以上矿震事件平均减少约 54%基本实现了预期的地面压裂减震目标为东滩煤矿六采区巨厚硬岩工作面安全开采提供了 保障

  • Abstract

    It is difficult to prevent and control mine earthquakes and rock burst disasters caused by the movement of huge and hard rock formations,which has become a major obstacle to safe production in mines with many huge and hard rock formations in China.Taking the work face with huge thick hard rock strata in the sixth mining area of Dongtan Coal Mine as an engineering background, according to the law of occurrence of earthquakes during mining,the characteristics of the strata structure and the mining conditions of the coal seam,the ground vertical shaft segmented hydraulic fracturing has been proposed to prevent thick and hard rock motion⁃type mine seismic. Through the ground vertical well fracturing,the integrity of the thick hard rock is reduced,and the elastic energy re⁃ leased by the movement of the thick hard rock is reduced. The self⁃developed high⁃precision continuous acquisi⁃ tion micro⁃seismic monitoring system during the fracturing period is used to monitor the fracture morphology formed during the fracturing process. The pipeline pressure curve during the fracturing process,the micro⁃seismic e⁃ vents,and the law of micro⁃seismic events occurred during the recovery process at the 63 up 06 face after fracturing are analyzed. The following conclusions are obtained:1 Based on the analysis of the fracturing curve and the tempo⁃ ral distribution of the effective micro⁃seismic events received during the fracturing process,the entire process of the for⁃ mation and development of hydraulic fracturing fractures in the huge thick rock formations in vertical ground wells is divided into five stages including initiation,rock fracture expansion,main crack formation,main crack extension and crack closure backflow.2 According to the micro⁃seismic monitoring results,the direction of the main fractures formed by high⁃pressure water fracturing in vertical ground wells is between 143° and 150°,the length is between 220 m and 300 m,and the vertical height is between 300 m and 344 m. Full thickness fracturing of thick hard rock is achieved.3 According to the micro⁃seismic monitoring results of the 63 up 06 working face during the mining opera⁃ tion in the ground vertical well fracturing area, compared with the three adjacent working faces during the 0 -500 m mining period,the average reduction of 1.5 magnitude or more mine earthquake events is about 54%,and the expected ground surface is basically realized. The fracturing damping target provides a guarantee for the safe mining of the huge thick hard rock face in the sixth mining area of Dongtan Coal Mine.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    staged surface vertical well hydraulic fracturing,the rock burst prevention and control,a huge layer of hard rock,surface and downhole joint micro⁃seismic monitoring

  • 引用格式
    尚晓光,朱斯陶,姜福兴,等. 地面直井水压致裂防控巨厚硬岩运动型矿震试验研究[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):639-650.
  • Citation
    SHANG Xiaoguang,ZHU Sitao,JIANG Fuxing,et al. Experimental study on the prevention and control of mine earthquake by high pressure water fracturing of huge thick strata in vertical shaft[J]. Journal of China Coal Soci⁃ ety,2021,46(S2):639-650

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