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  • Title

    Quantitative evaluation and reuse path of underground space resources in closed mines

  • 作者

    吉 莉 刘 峰 尚建选 董霁红 黄艳利

  • Author

    JI Li,LIU Feng,SHANG Jianxuan,DONG Jihong,HUNAG Yanli

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学公共管理学院中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院中国煤炭学会陕西煤业化工集团有限责任公司中国矿业大学矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    School of Public Policy and Management, China University of Mining and Technology;School of Environment and Spatial
    Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology;China Coal Industry Association; Shaanxi
    Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co.,Ltd.; School of Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    随着煤炭资源的长期开发,越来越多的煤矿面临关闭/废弃或已关闭。这些矿井历经长期开采,形成大量地下空间,传统的封井措施会造成巨大的地下空间资源浪费。在国内外关闭矿山数量增加与绿色发展时代背景之下,采用数学模型定量评估与管理关闭矿山地下空间资源,提出矿区资源再利用途径,不仅是能源环境领域的重要议题,而且也是社会关注的热点,还是矿山企业解决发展困境的迫切需求。主要研究内容包括:① 划分了关闭矿山地下空间资源类型,提出了不同类型巷道空间计算方法、工作面采空区空间计算方法和井下残留煤炭资源的估算方法。② 分析了国内外关闭矿山地下转型利用模式,构建基于生态效益、经济效益、社会效益的矿山转型综合效益评估指标体系,采用层次分析法评估关闭矿山地下空间不同转型方案的综合效益。在此基础上,通过比较分析得出关闭矿山地下空间资源最优转型利用路径。③ 以渭河流域某矿为例,估算得到某矿地下空间为1.18×105m3,残余资源量为5 600t,地下转型方式按照效益由大到小依次为地下矿山博物馆、地下度假村和地下物资储备库。综合关闭矿山地上/下空间资源,根据资源特点与层次结构模型,确定该矿区最优转型利用方案为“地上矿山公园+地下矿山博物馆”。主要给出了关闭矿山地下空间资源划分标准,提出了关闭矿山资源定量评估方法,为关闭矿山企业提供转型脱困和可持续发展的新思路,为我国关闭/废弃矿山转型利用提供理论参考和实践范例,并对我国贯彻落实“双碳”战略目标具有重要意义。

  • Abstract

    With the long-term mining of coal resourcesmore and more coal mines are facing closure or have been closed. In the long-term exploitation of these minesa large amount of underground space has been formedand the traditional well sealing measures will cause a huge waste of underground space resources. Under the background of increasing number of closed mines and green development at home and abroadthe use of mathematical models to quantitatively evaluate the underground space resources of closed mines and the ways to reuse these resources are not only important issues in the field of energy and environmentbut also hot spots of social concern. It is also the urgent need of mining enterprises to solve the development dilemma. The contents of this article consists of three main parts:① Dividing the types of underground space resources in closed minesand proposing the methods for calculating the space of different types of roadways and working face goafsand estimating residual coal resources. The transformation and utilization modes of mines in the world were analyzed. Based on the ecological benefiteconomic benefit and social benefitthe evaluation index system of comprehensive benefit of mine transformation was built. The analytic hierarchy process was used to evaluate comprehensive benefit of different transformation scheme in the underground space of closed mines. On the basisthe optimal transformation path was obtained through comparative analysis. Taking a mine in Weihe River Basin of China as an examplethe underground space of the mine was 1.18×105m3,the total residual resources were 56 million tons. The underground transformation mode in descending order of benefit were underground mine museumsunderground resortsand underground material storages. According to the characteristics of resources and the hierarchical structure modelthe optimal transformation and utilization scheme of the mine was aboveground mine park + underground mine museum based on the comprehensive space resources of the closed mine. This paper mainly gives the division standard of underground space resources of closed minesand puts forward the quantitative evaluation method of closed mine resources. It provides a new idea of transformation and sustainable development for mining enterprisesand also provides theoretical reference and practical examples for the transformation and utilization of closed/abandoned mineswhich is of great significance for the implementation of the

    carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” strategic goals in China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    closed mine; underground space; resource assessment; reuse path; benefit evaluation

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