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蒙东典型大型露天矿生态储存指标体系及过程分析——以宝矿、 敏矿、 胜利矿为例
  • Title

    Analysis of index system and state of ecological storage of typical large open-pit mines in Eastern Inner Mongolia:taking Baorixile,Yinmin and Shengli No.1 Open-Pit Coal Mine as examples

  • 作者

    赵玉国 吉 莉 董霁红 房阿曼 曹志国 张 峰

  • Author

    ZHAO Yuguo,JI Li,DONG Jihong,FANG Aman,CAO Zhiguo,ZHANG Feng

  • 单位

    神华宝日希勒能源有限公司 生产技术部中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院国家能源集团煤炭开采水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室中煤科工生态环境科技有限公司

  • Organization
    Production Technology Department,Shenhua Baorixile Energy Corporation Limited;School of Environment and Spatial Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology;
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining,National Energy Group;CCTEG Ecological Environment Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为研究草原矿区不同开采时期的生态状况,选取自然条件及开采现状较为相似的、具有不同开采年份的3个大型露天矿宝日希勒露天矿(20 a)、伊敏露天矿(36 a)、胜利一号露天矿(45 a),在初步划定各矿区生态敏感区的基础上,基于生态服务价值分析,结合生态储存状态、过程、能力、格局及条件指标,综合评价对比各矿区的生态储存效应。研究结果表明:① 宝矿、敏矿、胜利矿矿区生态服务价值变化幅度分别为-4 212.191 915.68-2 491.49/a;生态储存状态指标显示,宝矿、敏矿、胜利矿的矿区生态系统单位面积生态服务价值分别以83.6875.3848.01/(hm2·a)的速度发生退化。② 三个矿生态储存转化率均为负值,生态系统呈现高服务功能向低服务功能转换的过程,生态储存过程均呈现消极转化趋势;宝矿、敏矿、胜利矿生态储存能力值分别为-410-310-240/(hm2·a),其中胜利矿具有相对较好的生态储存能力;三个矿的生态储存格局值较为接近,宝矿、敏矿、胜利矿生态储存条件值分别为0.37%、0.69%0.62%。③ 生态储存效应综合指数显示,敏矿综合指数相对较高为4.37,宝矿次之、胜利矿相对较低为1.65,表明土地利用对区域生态储存影响伊敏矿最小,胜利矿最大。研究结果有利于及时采取应对措施以减缓矿区生态效应的累积趋势,促进煤炭开采与草原生态的协调发展。

  • Abstract

    In order to study the ecological status of grassland mining area in different mining periodsthree large-scale open-pit mines with similar natural conditions and mining statusincluding the Baorixile Open-pit Mine (20 years)Yimin Open-pit Mine (36 years)and Shengli No.1 Open-pit Mine (45 years)with different mining years were selected. On the basis of the preliminary delineation of the ecologically sensitive areas in each mining areathe ecological service value analysis and the ecological storage stateprocesscapacitypattern and condition indexes were used to comprehensively evaluate and compare the ecological storage effects of each mining area. The results showed that:the variation range of ecological service value in JP2BaorixileYimin and Shengli No 1 mining areas was -4 212.191 915.68 and -2 491.49 yuan /arespectively. According to the ecological storage status indexthe ecological service value per unit area of the mining area ecosystem of BaorixileYimin and Shengli No.1 open pit coal mine was degraded at a rate of 83.6875.38 and 48.01 yuan/(hm2·a)respectively. The conversion rate of ecological storage in the three mines was negativethe ecosystem showed a process of conversion from high service function to low service functionand the ecological storage process showed a negative trend. The ecological storage capacity values of BaorixileYimin and Shengli No 1 open pit coal mine are -410-310 yuan/(hm2·a) and -240 yuan/(hm2·a)respectivelyamong which Shengli No 1 mine had relatively good ecological storage capacity. The ecological storage pattern values of the three mines were close to each other. The ecological storage conditions of BaorixileYimin and Shengli No 1 open pit coal mine were 0.37%0.69% and 0.62%respectively. The comprehensive index of ecological storage effect showed that the comprehensive index of Yimin mine was relatively high at 4.37followed by Baorixile mineand Shengli No 1 mine was relatively lowJPat 1.65indicating that land use had the least impact on regional ecological storage of Yimin mine and the largest impact on Shengli mine. The results are helpful to take measures to slow down the accumulation of ecological effects in mining areas and promote the coordinated development of coal mining and grassland ecology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open-pit coal mine; ecological storage; index system; process analysis; ecological cumulative effect

  • 相关专题

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