• 全部
  • Title

    Geological modeling and fine description of fractures in low coal rank coal reservoirs of Erlian Basin Group

  • 作者

    刘建华 王生维 粟冬梅

  • Author

    LIU Jianhua,WANG Shengwei,SU Dongmei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Shanxi Institute of Engineering and Technology;2.Facuty of Earth Resources,China University of 
    Geo-sciences (Wuhan);3.Beijing Zhonggong Education Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Taking the low coal rank coal reservoir of Huolinhe Basin in Erlian Basin Group as the research objectthe typical section in the open pit coal mine is dissected by examplessupplemented by optical microscopeCT scanning and other laboratory test and analysis methods to describe the coal in the study area in detail Reservoir fissure system development characteristicsbuild a vertical space fracture development model of the target coal reservoirand provide reference for subsequent engineering development. The results of the study show that the coal reservoir large-fracture system and micro-fractures in the Huolinhe Basin show good orientationthe exogenous joint dip angle is almost uprightand the endogenous fissures and micro-fissures are mostly developed perpendicular to the plane. The micro-fissures are mainly primary tensile fissuresand there are no shear fissures with structural features. The extent and direction of the development of exogenous joints and the morphological characteristics of endogenous fissures are obviously affected by the structurebut the degree of micro-fissure development is mainly affected by the composition of coal and rockbut not by the structure. Large-fractured systems are rarely filledand micro-fractured filling is relatively largeabout 40% to 50%and overall reservoir connectivity is better. The CT three-dimensional reconstruction imaging of coal shows that the voids filled with inorganic minerals and unfilled voids have the characteristics of stratified distributionand the overall pore cracks are developed. The inorganic minerals filled in the coal group are less than those in the IIIA coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low rank coal reservoir; open-pit coal mine profile; CT scan; geological fracture modeling


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