• 全部
  • Title

    Substitution technology for hydrogen production from coal——proton exchange membrane water electrolysis technology for hydrogen production and its attenuation mechanism

  • 作者

    宋 洁 邓占锋 徐桂芝 梁丹曦 彭笑东 赵雪莹 徐 超

  • Author

    SONG Jie,DENG Zhanfeng,XU Guizhi,LIANG Danxi,PENG Xiaodong,ZHAO Xueying,XU Chao

  • 单位

    华北电力大学先进输电技术国家重点实验室 国网智能电网研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    1.North China Electric Power University; 2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology,
    State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Hydrogen energyas a secondary energy source with zero pollution and high calorific valuehas always been a very important subject for efficient production and utilization. At presentthe hydrogen production mainly relies on theconversion of fossil fuelsespecially from coalcoking and gasification processes. Howeverthe toxic gases are typically generated during the coal coking productionprocess,such as methane and carbon monoxide.The gasification process can also produce large amounts of carbon dioxide. Besidesthe hydrogen purity is insufficient for abovetwo conventional methodswhich are also harmful for  the environment. Thereforeit is very important to finda new method with low carbon emissionhigh hydrogen production and environmental protection.The proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer(PEMWE),as one of the most promising ways to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of waterit possess a wide range of rapid dynamic response ability. ThereforePEMWE has a promising application in the dynamic balance of new energy consumption and power grid with high proportion of new energy. However,thequick start/stopoverload,and dramatically variable loadhave serious impacts on the key material and heat/mass transportation processwhich are unfavorable for PEMWE performance and life time.It retards the further commercialization of PEMWE technology. Thereforeit needs analysis the attenuation and failure mechanisms of PEMWE systemwhich can provide important guidance for the development of high-performancelong-life PEM hydrogen production units working on the fluctuating operating conditions.The study mainly discussesthe traditional coal hydrogen production technology and its disadvantages. Continuallythe basic principle and characteristics of PEMWE technology is introduced including present development and degradation mechanism for catalytic layerproton exchange membraneand polar plate. The corresponding coping strategiesare finally analyzed.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal hydrogen production;proton exchange membrane water electrolysis;IrO2 particles;Pt particles;proton exchange membrane degradation mechanism

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    SONG Jie,DENG Zhanfeng,XU Guizhi,et al.
    Substitution technology for hydrogen production from coal——proton exchange membrane water electrolysis technology for hydrogen production and its attenuation mechanism
    [J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(6):136-144
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