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  • Title

    Weakening and fracturing mechanism of mechanical properties of coal and rock caused by supercritical CO2

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIANG Weiguo,HE Wei,YAN Jiwei

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 矿业工程学院太原理工大学 原位改性采矿教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan030024,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Insitu Propertyimproving for Mining of Ministry of Education,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan030024,China
  • 摘要

    含煤地层中含有大量的煤系气资源高效开采煤系气资源对非常规油气资源开发利用与能 源革命具有重要意义与价值。 含煤地层中煤层与其他岩层叠置发育增加了煤系气开采的难度。 在实验室进行了超临界 CO2(ScCO2)对含煤地层中的砂岩煤样长时浸泡作用实验及其力学变化 特征的研究并结合显微 CT 扫描研究了水力压裂液态 CO压裂和 ScCO压裂煤体后的裂缝分布 特征揭示了煤样砂岩在液态CO2ScCO2压裂时的破裂特征及裂纹扩展控制机理。 研究结果表 明:1 ScCO浸泡对煤体力学特性弱化作用强于其对顶板砂岩力学特性的弱化。 ScCO浸泡 1530 到 60 d 砂岩单轴抗压强度分别降低了 9.10%21.97%和 48.93%砂岩的弹性模量分别减小了12.70%18.82%和 27.19%。 ScCO浸泡作用 20 d 弱黏煤1 / 3 焦煤贫瘦煤和无烟煤的单轴抗 压强度分别降低 65.25%45.24%56.02%和 67.94%弹性模量分别降低 65.87%52.50%57.14% 和 65.91%。 煤体吸附 CO后膨胀变形导致其表面能减小ScCO对煤中有机物的萃取及其进入 煤体微小孔裂隙内部导致煤体的孔隙压力增大CO与水结合形成碳酸对煤中矿物的溶解是导致 煤体力学强度降低的主要因素。 含煤地层中 ScCO压裂优于水力压裂。 ScCO能够大幅降低煤 体岩体的力学强度减小煤体岩体的破裂压力;CO分子能够进入到煤体岩体的裂隙尖端加速 煤岩体的损伤破坏并形成多分叉高曲折度扩展距离远的复杂裂缝网络结构

  • Abstract

    Coal bearing strata contain a large amount of gasbearing coal resources,and efficient exploitation of gasbearing coal resources is of great significance to the development and utilization of unconventional gas resources and energy revolution. The development of coal seams superimposed on other rock layers in coal bearing strata increases the difficulty of extracting gasbearing coal. In this paper,the longterm saturation effect of supercritical CO 2(ScCO 2) on sandstone and coal samples in coal bearing strata and their mechanical variation characteristics was carried out in the laboratory,and the distribution characteristics of cracks after hydraulic fracturing,liquid CO 2 fracturing and ScCO 2 fracturing in coal with CT scanning are studied. The fracturing characteristics and crack propagation mechanism of coal samples and sandstone during liquid CO 2 and ScCO 2 fracturing are revealed. The results show that:① The weakening of mechanical properties of coal by ScCO2 is stronger than that of roof sandstone. The uniaxial compressive strength of sandstone is decreased by 9.10%,21.97% and 48.93% on average with the ScCO 2 saturation time increase from 15,30 to 60 days,and the elastic modulus is also decreased by 12.70%,18.82% and 27.19% on average accordingly. After saturation in ScCO 2 for 20 days,the uniaxial compressive strength of weakly caking coal,1/3 coking coal,lean coal and anthracite is decreased by 65.25%,45.24%,56.02% and 67.94%,and the elastic modulus is also decreased by 65.87%,52.50%,57.14% and 65.91%,respectively.② The main factors leading to the reduction of mechanical strength of coal are the surface energy of coal decreases due to the expansion and deformation of coal after CO 2 adsorption,the extraction of organic matter by ScCO 2 and the ScCO 2 enters into the tiny pores and fissures of coal that increases the pore pressure of coal,and the dissolution of coal minerals by carbonic acid formed by CO2 combined with water.③ ScCO2 fracturing is better than hydraulic fracturing in coal bearing strata. ScCO2 can greatly reduce the mechanical strength of coal and rock mass,thus reducing the fracture pressure. CO 2 molecules can enter the fracture tips of coal and rock mass,accelerating their damage and destruction and forming complex fracture network structures with multiple bifurcations,high tortuosity and long extension distances. 

  • 关键词

    含煤地层力学特性 CO2 致裂裂纹扩展超临界 CO2

  • KeyWords

    coal bearing strata,mechanical properties,carbon dioxide fracturing,crack propagation,supercritical CO2

  • 引用格式
    梁卫国,贺伟,阎纪伟. 超临界 CO2 致煤岩力学特性弱化与破裂机理[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(7):2557-2568.
  • Citation
    LIANG Weiguo,HE Wei,YAN Jiwei.Weakening and fracturing mechanism of mechanical properties of coal and rock caused by supercritical CO2[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(7):2557-2568.
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