Wave velocity evolution law and quantitative index of damage degree of soft coal
ZHU Chuanqi,XIE Guangxiang,WANG Lei
为合理评价松软煤体破坏状态,以淮南矿区潘一煤矿 11518 回采工作面为背景,选用型煤 代替原煤,采用 MTS 岩石力学实验机及 PCI-II 声发射仪,开展单轴压缩状态下煤体多路径波速实 时监测室内试验,分析波速变化特征;基于声波传播规律定义破坏程度量化指标;探究不同破坏阶 段煤体介质状态,并开展指标工程应用。 研究结果表明:1 随煤体轴向应变的增加,波速呈现平 稳、缓慢降低、急剧降低再平稳的基本规律,受载初期,型煤波速平稳,这与岩石材料呈现出的声学 特性有所差异。 2 破坏程度量化指标 K 为煤体某一破坏阶段纵波经过裂纹时间与完全破坏后纵 波经过裂纹时间的比值。 3 随煤体轴向应变的增加,指标先后经历平稳在 0 附近、缓慢增大、急剧 增大再平稳在 1 左右 4 个变化阶段,指标演化与煤体表面形态变化具有高吻合性,且与传统损伤变 量相比,指标突出裂纹对波速的影响,对破坏的敏感性更强,更能准确反映煤体破坏状态。 4 依据 指标变化规律区划了工作面前方煤体介质状态,在距煤壁 26.5 m 以远的煤体处于连续介质区;在 距煤壁 13.5 ~ 26.5 m 的煤体处于似连续介质区;在距煤壁 5.75 ~ 13.50 m 的煤体处于非连续介质 区;在距煤壁距离小于 5.75 m 的煤体处于散体介质区。 研究结果可为量化松软煤体破坏程度,防 控围岩失稳灾害提供一种新途径。
In order to reasonably evaluate the failure state of soft coal,taking the 11518 coalface of Panyi Coal Mine in Huainan mining area as the background,coal briquette is selected to replace raw coal,the laboratory test of multipath wave velocity monitoring of coal body under uniaxial compression is carried out,and the variation characteristics of wave velocity are analyzed. The quantitative index of damage degree is defined based on the propagation law of acoustic waves. The state of coal medium in different failure stages is explored,and an engineering application of the index is carried out. Results show that:① With the increase of axial strain of coal,the wave velocity presents the basic law of stable,slow decrease,sharp decrease,and then stable. At the initial stage of loading,the wave velocity of the coal briquette is stable,which is different from the acoustic characteristics of rock materials.② The quantitative index of damage degree K is the ratio of the time of longitudinal wave passing through a crack in a certain failure stage to the time of longitudinal wave passing through a crack after the complete failure
in coal body. ③ With the increase of axial strain of coal,the index experienced four change stages:stable near 0,slow increase,sharp increase,and then stable at about 1. The index evolution is highly consistent with the change in coal surface morphology. Compared with the traditional damage variable,the index highlights the influence of crack on wave velocity,has stronger sensitivity to failure,and can more accurately reflect the failure state of coal. ④ The coal medium state in front of the working face is zoned according to the index change laws:the coal body 26.5 m away from the coal wall is in the continuous medium area,the coal body 13.5-26.5 m away from the coal wall is in the quasi continuous medium area,the coal body 5.75-13.50 m away from the coal wall is in the discontinuous medium area,the coal body less than 5.75 m away from the coal wall is in the bulk medium area. The research results can provide a new way to quantify the damage degree of soft coal and prevent the surrounding rock disaster.
soft coal,wave velocity,quantitative index of damage degree,media status
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会