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基于 Google Earth Engine的采煤沉陷水体方向变化自动识别
  • Title

    Monitoring of subsidence water body change based on Google Earth Engine

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Yanling,DING Baoliang,HE Tingting,XIAO Wu,REN He

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院浙江大学 公共管理学院

  • Organization
    1.School of Earth Sciences and Surveying and Mapping Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing100083,China,
    2.School of Public Administration,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou310058,China
  • 摘要

    煤炭开采在带来经济效益的同时也造成了诸多环境问题。 在我国东部高潜水位矿区地 表在采煤导致沉陷后出现积水水体面积的剧烈变化使得耕地减少农业生态系统变化。 因此对 采煤沉陷水体持续监测对于研究该区域生态变化和制定修复规划十分必要。 为揭示采煤沉陷积水 区的变化情况在 Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台上以潘谢矿区为研究区以通过 Landsat 遥感影 像数据提取出的 19892016 年沉陷水体数据为基础构建了射线法获取年际间积水边界变化距 离利用一元线性最小二乘回归法对矿区沉陷积水边界进行拟合并通过扩张系数分析了沉陷水体 的空间位置变化情况。 研究结果:提出了射线法采煤沉陷水体方向变化自动识别流程明确了 射线原点与射线间角度选取方法;通过对构建出的射线年际距离变化数据进行皮尔逊相关性分 析表明射线原点距该沉陷水体边界的距离与其相对应的年份具有较强的相关性;对每条射线 构建一元线性最小二乘法回归方程预测了沉陷积水边界总体上拟合的决定系数为 84.56%拟合 程度良好;将通过回归方程预测出的 2017 年沉陷水体数据与遥感影像提取的 2017 年沉陷水体 数据进行对比预测精度为 84.43%;经扩张性分析谢桥矿潘三矿潘北矿潘二矿潘一矿沉 陷水体扩张速度慢张集矿顾北矿丁集矿朱集矿沉陷水体扩张速度较快顾桥矿西北方向扩张 速度较快东南方向扩张速度慢与矿山企业的开采情况基本对应;立足 GEE 平台从沉陷水体 的提取到射线法监测整个研究基本实现自动化能迅速且较准确地进行沉陷积水区的预测。 研究 结论:在缺少采煤相关信息的情况下基于射线法的沉陷水体监测技术在一定程度上能揭示沉陷水 体各方向的变化情况为矿区的生态修复提供一定的理论依据和数据支持

  • Abstract

    With its economic benefits, coal mining also causes many environmental problems. In the mining areas with high phreatic water levels in the eastern China, the coal mining leads to surface subsidence, resulting in surface ponding. The drastic changes in the area of water bodies have reduced cultivated land and changed the agricultural ecosystem. Therefore, a continuous monitoring of coal mining subsidence is necessary for studying ecological changes in the region and formulating some restoration plans. In order to reveal the changes of water body in the coal mining subsidence area, based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, this study took the Panxie mining area as the study area and investigated the subsidence water data extracted from Landsat remote sensing image data from 1989 to 2016. The study constructed the ray method to obtain the interannual water boundary change distance, used the onevariable linear least squares regression method to fit the subsidence water boundary of the mining area, and analyzed the spatial position change of the subsided water body through the expansion coefficient. The results are as follows: ① The automatic recognition process of the direction change of water body in mining subsidence area by the ray method is proposed, and the method for selecting the ray origin and the angle between rays is clarified.② The study shows that the distance between the ray origin and the boundary of the subsidence water body has a strong correlation with its corresponding year through the Pearson correlation analysis of the constructed interannual ray distance change data. ③ The onevariable linear least square regression equation is constructed for each ray to predict the boundary of the subsidence water body, and the overall coefficient of determination of the fitting is 84.56%. ④ The degree of the fitting is good. The 2017 subsided water data predicted by the regression equation is compared with the 2017 subsided water data extracted from remote sensing images, and the prediction accuracy is 84.43%. ⑤ The expansion analysis shows that the subsidence water bodies of Xieqiao Mine, Pan No.3 Mine, Panbei Mine, Pan No.2 Mine, and Pan No.1 Mine expand slowly, while the subsidence water bodies of Zhangji Mine, Gubei Mine, Dingji Mine, and Zhuji Mine expand at a slower rate. The expansion speed of Guqiao Mine in the northwest direction is faster, and the expansion speed in the southeast direction is slow, which basically corresponds to the mining situation of mining enterprises. ⑥ Based on the GEE platform, from the extraction of subsidence water body to ray monitoring, the whole research is basically automated and can predict the subsidence ponding area quickly and accurately. The conclusion is that the subsidence water monitoring technology based on the ray method can reveal the changes of subsidence water in all directions to a certain extent, and provide a certain theoretical basis and data support for the ecological restoration of the mining area without coal mining related information.

  • 关键词

    高潜水位沉陷水体Google Earth Engine射线法扩张系数

  • KeyWords

    high diving level,sinking water,Google Earth Engine,ray method,expansion factor

  • 引用格式
    赵艳玲,丁宝亮,何厅厅,等. 基于 Google Earth Engine 的采煤沉陷水体方向变化自动识别[ J] . 煤炭学报,2022,47(7):2745-2755.
  • Citation
    ZHAO Yanling,DING Baoliang,HE Tingting,et al.Monitoring of subsidence water body change based on Google Earth Engine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(7):
  • 相关文章

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