• 全部
  • Title

    Farmland dynamic construction elevation model of concurrent mining and reclamation and case study

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Ruiya,XIAO Wu,HU Zhenqi

  • Organization
    Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要
    在进行边采边复规划设计过程中,实地复垦施工时耕地区应当采取的施工标高,关系到整个复垦工程的成败,尤为重要。因此为了更好的指导复垦工程实地施工,以边采边复技术思想为指导,首先系统分析了影响耕地动态施工标高的三大因素,在此基础上构建了耕地动态施工标高的理论模型。并结合动态沉陷模型和概率积分法,根据单一煤层和多煤层不同开采条件下地面沉陷特点,分别推导出了单一煤层和多煤层不同开采条件下,耕地动态施工标高的数学模型。最后以安徽某高潜水位煤矿为实例,分别对两个不同复垦施工时刻,耕地区A1,A2点的施工标高进行模拟分析计算,当复垦施工时刻ts1=210 d时,两点的施工标高分别为23.6,24.2 m,ts2=296 d时两点的施工标高分别为22.9,23.7 m,结果表明耕地动态施工标高模型具有很好的适用性,这将促进边采边复技术的推广应用。
  • Abstract
    In the progress of making Concurrent Mining and Reclamation ( CMR) plan,the construction of elevation model of reclaiming farmland is crucial for field implementation,and at the same time,it determines if the whole recla- mation project would be success or not. Based on the CMR,the theoretical model of farmland dynamic construction ele- vation was established with the careful analysis of its three influence factors. Then combined with dynamic subsidence model and probability integration theory,the mathematical models of farmland dynamic construction elevation were separately established in single and multiple coal seams mining conditions with the consideration of different subsid- ence situations on ground surface. Then,a coal mine with high groundwater table in Anhui province was selected as an example to verify the mode. Dynamic construction elevations of A1 and A2 were simulated and calculated by using cor- responding mathematical models in two different reclaiming construc-tion times. When the construction time was 210th day,the construction elevation of two points were 23. 6 m and 24. 2 m. While the construction time was 296th day,the construction elevation of two points were 22. 9 m and 23. 7 m. The result showed that this model had a favorable appli- cability and could conveniently guide the field con-struction which would promote the widespread utilization of CMR technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    concurrent mining and reclamation;construction elevation;subsidence;high groundwater table

  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHANG Ruiya,XIAO Wu,HU Zhenqi. Farmland dynamic construction elevation model of concurrent mining and reclamation and case study[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(8):2125-2133.
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