Timing of concurrent mining and reclamation in coal-grain overlapping areas with mining-induced subsidence,Eastern China
胡振琪李根生 袁冬竹
HU Zhenqi,LI Gensheng,YUAN Dongzhu
中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院中国矿业大学公共管理学院中国矿业大学(北京) 土地复垦与生态重建研究所
东部高潜水位煤粮复合区采煤沉陷导致连片耕地积水,加剧了区内煤炭保供和粮食生产之 间的矛盾。 为了协调耕地保护与地下采煤的关系,采用边采边复技术,可以实现地面复垦技术与井 下采煤技术的耦合,在高潜水位矿区可显著提高复垦率。 复垦时机的选择是边采边复的关键,直接 决定复垦工程的成败。 梳理了影响边采边复时机选择的自然因素和人为因素,提出了 2 种边采边 复时机类型:1 采动地表临界积水下的理论复垦时机;2 采动地表浅积水( 积水深度 0 ~ 3 m) 下的 实际复垦时机。 以单一煤层开采为例,研究了采动地表积水与地下开采的时空关系,提出了采动地 表临界积水启动距及积水边界角,揭示了工作面推进速度与理论复垦时机的时空关系。 提出以采 动地表临界积水下沉值为约束的井下减沉的耕地源头保护措施,构建了采区尺度下的跳采全采工 作面临界宽度模型和浅积水下的实际复垦时机模型。 案例研究表明:以顾桥煤矿北一采区临界积 水下沉值 1.00 m 为约束,所优化的跳采全采工作面宽度可将复垦时机延迟到全采阶段,即推迟复 垦时间和延长耕地使用寿命 12.5 a。 模拟了龙固煤矿不同采动积水深度下的复垦耕地面积变化, 构建了复垦时机与复垦率之间的定量模型,以此预测了不同复垦率指标下的最佳复垦时机区间及 浅积水条件下的最佳复垦率,认为相对积水深度为 0.6 时,为该采矿地质条件下的最佳复垦时机, 当复垦耕地率差值控制在 5%时,最佳复垦时机为地表积水相对深度 0.706 7。 最后,讨论了边采边 复的投入产出效益,认为边采边复技术可显著提高土地复垦效益,从源头上将采煤引起的社会和生 态负效益内部化,该技术具有技术可行、经济合理和生态友好的优势。 研究结果可为高潜水位煤矿 区边采边复时机优选和井上下采复耦合提供理论支撑和案例参考。
Mining-induced subsidence in the coal-grain overlapping areas of eastern China has caused a large surface ponding, exacerbating the contradiction between coal supply and grain production. In order to coordinate the relation- ship between farmland protection and underground coal mining, we use the concurrent mining and reclamation (CMR) technology, which can realize the coupling of mine reclamation and underground mining, and can significant- ly improve the reclamation rate in mining areas with high groundwater levels.The timing of reclamation is the key to the CMR and directly determines the success or failure of the reclamation project. This study analyzes and summaries the natural and human factors that influence the choice of reclamation timing and proposes two types of rec- lamation timing: 1 the theoretical reclamation timing under the critical ponding and 2 the actual reclamation timing under the shallow ponding on the surface caused by coal mining. Taking a single coal seam mining as a case, the spa- tio-temporal relationship between surface ponding and underground mining was studied, and the starting distance of surface ponding caused by underground mining and the boundary angle of surface ponding were proposed to reveal the dynamic relationship between workface advancement and theoretical reclamation timing. A model of the crit- ical width of skip-panels and back-panels based on the subsidence value of the critical ponding on the surface and a model of the actual reclamation timing under shallow ponding were constructed. The case study shows that the criti- cal width of working face proposed with the critical subsidence value (1.00 m) of surface ponding in the first min- ing district of the Guqiao Coal Mine of China can delay the reclamation timing and farmland life by 12.5 years. The change of reclaimed farmland area in the Longgu Coal Mine of China under different depths of surface ponding was simulated. A quantitative model between reclamation timing and reclamation rate was constructed to predict the optimal reclamation timing under different reclamation rate indexes and the optimal reclamation rate under shallow ponding conditions. The optimal reclamation timing under the mining geological condition is when the relative depth of ponded water is 0.6. When the difference of reclamation rate is controlled at 5%, the relative ponding depth of 0.706 7 is the optimal time for reclamation. Finally, the input-output benefits of the CMR were discussed. The CMR can sig- nificantly improve the land reclamation benefits and internalize the negative social and ecological benefits caused by coal mining at the sources. The technology has the advantages of being technically feasible, economically reasona- ble and eco-friendly. The study can provide a theoretical support and case reference for the optimal timing and the coupling of the CMR.
coal mining subsidence; coal-grain overlapping area; concurrent mining and reclamation; reclamation timing;mine restoration
1 边采边复时机影响因素及类型划分
1.1 复垦时机的影响因素
1.2 复垦时机类型
2 边采边复时机模型
2.1 边采边复的理论复垦时机模型
2.2 浅积水下的边采边复实际复垦时机模型
3 临界积水下的理论复垦时机优选
3.1 临界积水下的井下减沉开采布局
3.2 减沉开采下的理论复垦时机优选
4 浅积水下的实际复垦时机优选
4.1 浅积水下的边采边复情景模拟
4.2 浅积水下的实际复垦时机优选
5 讨论与结论
5.1 讨论
5.2 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会