Pressure relief effect of protective layer mining and its optical fiber monitoring
柴敬刘永亮王梓旭雷武林张丁丁欧阳一博孙凯 翁明月张有志丁国利郑忠友张寅韩刚
CHAI Jing,LIU Yongliang,WANG Zixü,LEI Wulin,ZHANG Dingding,OUYANG Yibo,SUN Kai, WENG Mingyue,ZHANG Youzhi,DING Guoli,ZHENG Zhongyou,ZHANG Yin,HAN Gang
西安科技大学 能源学院西安科技大学 教育部西部矿井开采与灾害防治重点实验室中天合创能源 有限责任公司中煤能源研究院有限责任公司陇东学院 能源工程学院
保护层开采卸压效果评价及范围划定是保护层开采防冲技术应用的重要指标。 以呼吉尔 特矿区葫芦素煤矿上保护层开采为研究背景,通过理论分析、光纤传感现场实测相结合的方法,分 析了上保护层开采后底板破坏深度,获得了上保护层开采后下伏煤岩体应力分布规律,被保护层应 力释放率及其变化特性,得出了被保护层卸压角和底板破坏深度等参数。 设计了 3 个钻孔将光纤 植入工作面底板,实现了底板煤岩体的走向 90.36 m、倾向 128.47 m、垂向 36.45 m 空间范围内的卸 压效果的实时监测。 获得了工作面推进从-300 ~ +255 m 的保护层卸压监测数据。 结果表明,上保 护层开采底板煤岩体应力沿推进方向可划分为“原岩应力—应力集中—应力释放—应力恢复”4 个 阶段,应力集中阶段位于工作面前方 60 m 范围内,应力释放阶段位于工作面后方 8 ~ 10 m 以后区 域,应力恢复阶段在工作面后方 58 ~ 67 m 以后区域。 保护层开采后底板应力释放率具有明显的空 间效应,垂直方向上应力释放率峰值波动范围为 4.2% ~ 71.6%,应力释放率峰值随底板深度增加呈 负对数减小。 水平方向上应力释放率峰值位置与底板深度之间呈对数关系增大,底板深度越大应 力释放率峰值滞后工作面距离越远。 将应力释放率为10%作为卸压临界值,确定了2-2中煤倾向卸 压角为 53.7°,走向卸压角为 63.5°,光纤光栅和分布式光纤监测系统测得的临界卸压深度分别为 29.8和30.0m,与理论计算结果偏差为1.1%~1.3%。 分布式光纤测得的最大应力释放率为24.5%, 光纤光栅测得的最大应力释放率为63.3%~81.0%。 最后,分析了分布式光纤传感技术和光纤光栅 测试在保护层开采卸压效果监测中的测试结果差异,对比了光纤测试和经验公式计算的底板破坏 深度。 光纤传感技术为保护层开采卸压范围监测方法提供了一种新的手段,实现了数据采集、空间 维度上对被保护层卸压效应的分布式、连续监测。
The pressure relief effect evaluation and scope demarcation are the key to the application of antiscour technology in protective layer mining. With the theoretical analysis,the combination of optical fiber sensing field measurement method,based on Hulusu coal mine protective layer mining as the research background in the paper,the damage depth,and the stress distribution of the floor after the mined protective layer was analyzed,the stress release rate and its variation characteristics,protective layer parameters such as pressure relief angle and floor damage depth were obtained. To realize the realtime monitoring of the pressure relief effect of the floor coal and rock mass,the optical fiber sensors were implanted into the working face floor by three boreholes 90.36 m strike,128.47 m inclination,and 36.45 m vertical. The pressure relief monitoring data of the protective layer in the range of -300 m to +255 m are obtained. The results show that along the advancing direction,the floor coal and rock mass stress are divided into four stages:
“original rock stress,stress concentration,stress release,stress recovery” in the process of mining the upper protective layer. The stress concentration stage is located within 50 m in front of the working face,the stress release stage is located 8-10 m behind the working face,and the stress recovery stage is 58-67 m behind the working face. The stress release rate of the floor after the mining of the protective layer has obvious spatial effect. The fluctuation range of the peak stress release rate in the vertical direction is 4.2%-71.6% and the peak stress release rate decreases in a negative logarithm with the increase of the floor depth. In the horizontal direction,there is a logarithmic relationship between the peak position of stress release rate and floor depth,and the greater the floor depth,the further the lag distance of peak stress release rate behind the working face. Taking the stress release rate of 10% as the pressure relief critical value,it is determined that the inclined pressure relief angle of 2-2 medium coal is 53.7°,and the strike pressure relief angle is 63.5°. The critical relief depths are 29.8 and 30.0 m respectively measured by fiber Bragg grating and distributed fiber monitoring system,and the deviation from the theoretical calculation results is 1.1%-1.3%. The maximum stress release rate obtained by distributed fiber and fiber Bragg grating are 24.5% and 63.3%-81.0%. Finally,the difference of results monitored by distributed optical fiber sensing technology and fiber Bragg grating in the pressure relief effect of protective layer mining is analyzed,and the floor failure depths obtained by the optical fiber and the empirical formula are compared. The optical fiber sensing technology provides a new means for monitoring the pressure relief range of protective layer mining,and realizes data acquisition and distributed and continuous monitoring of the pressure relief effect of protected layer in spatial dimension.
close coal seam;protective layer mining;pressure relief effect;optical fiber sensing technology;field monitoring
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会