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纳米锑掺杂氧化锡@ 粉煤灰抗静电复合粉体的制备及机理
  • Title

    Preparation and mechanism of nano antimony⁃doped tin oxide @ fly ash antistatic composite powder

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIU Ying,WANG Caili,WANG Zhixue,YAO Guoxin,ZOU Yuxiu,YANG Runquan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    煤基固体废弃物处理问题和高分子材料火灾问题是我国亟待解决的 个重要问题。 研究 经济性煤基抗静电复合粉体对实现煤基固废高值化利用和解决高分子材料静电积累引起的火灾问 题具有重大价值和现实意义。 粉煤灰作为产量较高的煤基固废之一将其作为填料实现高值化利 用受到越来越多的关注但其在填充聚合物时电阻率高的问题仍未解决。 纳米锑掺杂氧化锡具有 良好的抗静电性能但其分散性较差成本较高。 基于此根据粒子设计思想采用异相成核法 将纳米锑掺杂氧化锡(ATO)负载在价格低廉的粉煤灰上制备核壳结构复合粉体来提高 ATO 的分 散性并且降低粉煤灰的电阻率。 研究了不同 pH包覆量SbCl与 SnCl·5H摩尔比煅烧温度 和煅烧时间对复合粉体电阻率的影响;采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM),射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变 换红外光谱(FTIR)、能量色散 射线光谱(EDS),射线荧光光谱仪(XRF),Zeta 电位仪对粉煤灰 和复合粉体进行了表征探讨了复合粉体异相形核机理和抗静电机理。 结果表明当 pH 为 4包覆 量为 30%700 °C 煅烧 2 hSbCl与 SnCl·5H摩尔比为 1 ∶ 6 粉煤灰表面均匀地包覆了纳米 ATO 粒子体积电阻率由 1.724×1012 Ω·cm 降低到 2.36×10Ω·cm。 粉煤灰与 ATO 前驱体在 pH 为 时存在静电吸引力Sn(Sb)—OH 与粉煤灰表面的 SiOH 发生缩合生成 SiOSn(Sb)。 纳米 ATO 在粉煤灰表面以异相成核的方式进行沉淀经过高温煅烧后生成具有导电功能的金红石 结构的Sb-SnO2。 ATO的导电载流子主要取决于Sb5+SnO2形成的氧空位导致粉煤灰体积电阻 率降低。 该复合粉体在作为抗静电涂料和塑料等填料方面具有良好的应用前景

  • Abstract

    Coal⁃based solid waste treatment and polymer material fire are two important problems to be solved urgently in our country. The study of economical coal⁃based antistatic composite powder has great value and practical signifi⁃ cance for realizing high⁃value utilization of coal⁃based solid waste and solving the fire problem caused by electrostatic accumulation of polymer materials. Fly ash,as one of the coal⁃based solid wastes with high output,has attracted more and more attention to realize high⁃value utilization as a filler,but the problem of fly ash with high resistivity when being filled in polymers has not been solved. Nano antimony doped tin oxide has good antistatic properties,but its disper⁃ sibility is poor and the cost is high. Based on this,according to the idea of “particle design”,nano antimony⁃doped tin oxide(ATO) was loaded on low⁃cost fly ash by heterogeneous nucleation method,and the core⁃shell structure composite powder was prepared to improve the dispersion of ATO and reduce the electrical resistivity of fly ash. The effects of different pH value,coating amount,SbClto SnCl·5HO molar ratio,calcination temperature and calcina⁃ tion time on the volume resistivity of composite powder were studied. Scanning electron microscope(SEM),X⁃ray dif⁃ fraction(XRD),Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),Energy dispersive X⁃ray spectroscopy(EDS),X⁃ray fluorescence spectrometer(XRF),Zeta potential meter were used to analyze the physical and chemical properties of fly ash and the composite powder. The heterogeneous nucleation mechanism and antistatic mechanism of the composite powder were discussed. The results show that the volume resistivity of fly ash has decreased from 1. 724 × 1012 Ω·cm to 2.36×10Ω·cm when the pH value is 4,the coating amount is 30%,calcined at 700 °C for 2 h, and the molar ratio of SbClto SnCl·5HO is 1 ∶ 6. The surface of fly ash is uniformly coated with nano ATO parti⁃ cles. There is electrostatic attraction between fly ash and ATO precursor at pH4. Sn(Sb)—OH condenses with Si— OH on the surface of fly ash to from Si—O—Sn(Sb) bonds. Nano-ATO is precipitated on the surface of fly ash in a heterogeneous nucleation manner,and after high temperature calcination,Sb-SnOwith rutile structure with conduc⁃ tive function is formed. The conductive carriers of ATO mainly depend on the oxygen vacancies formed by Sb5+ and SnO,resulting in a decrease in the volume resistivity of fly ash. The composite powder has good application pros⁃ pects as fillers in antistatic coatings and plastics.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal⁃based solid waste;fly ash;nano antimony doped tin oxide;core⁃shell structure;antistatic properties

  • 引用格式
    秋颖,王彩丽,王志学,等.纳米锑掺杂氧化锡@ 粉煤灰抗静电复合粉体的制备及机理[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(9):3483-3492.
  • Citation
    QIU Ying,WANG Caili,WANG Zhixue,et al.Preparation and mechanism of nano antimony⁃doped tin oxide @ fly ash antistatic composite powder[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(9):3483-3492.

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