Research status and prospects of cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries
YANG Wenbo,XIE Xiaokun,WU Rui,TIAN Han,WANG Xiaodong,TANG Wenhao,DENG Yirui,LIU Ruiping
现代社会中生产生活的能源消耗量日益增加,随着“ 碳中和” 等政策的实施,新能源的开发和 利用成为新的发展方向。 风能、太阳能等新能源由于功率不稳定大大限制了其应用,而如何合理的储 存与分配能源成为广泛关注的问题。 现阶段的大规模储能方式仍然停留在储能水电站这样用水的势 能存储能量,这种方式对地域限制严格,占地面积大且能量转换率低,不适合进行大面积推广应用。 电池能量转化率高、不受地域的限制,是合适的储能方式,但成本过高、安全性差。 水系锌离子电 池( AZIBs) 由正极材料、水系电解液和锌金属负极等部分组成,相较于其他电池有着使用安全、价格低 的优点,成为未来电站级储能的潜在方式。 但正极材料容量开发不足、循环稳定性差,与理论容量仍 然存在不小的差距,成为了水系锌离子电池应用的制约因素之一。 首先介绍了现阶段水系锌离子电 池正极材料的储能机制,然后总结了常见正极材料(MnO2,V2O5 和 VO2 等)存在的问题、解决策略以 及目前的研究进展,分析了不同条件下正极材料的性能变化,最后通过对比研究其电化学性能,从机 制探究、提高导电率、制备新型正极材料、采用缺陷工程以及电解质改性等 5 个方面提出了多种可能 的优化策略以及未来的研究方向,为正极材料的优化提供了基础。
The energy consumption of production in modern society is increasing gradually. With the implementation of policies like
“carbon neutrality”,the development and utilization of new energy has become a new direction. The instability of new energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy limits their application,thus how to reasonably store and distribute energy has become a widely concerned issue. The current large scale energy storage is mainly achieved by the potential energy of water such as energy storage hydropower stations,and it has strict geographical restrictions,large floor space and low energy conversion rate,and is not suitable for large scale promotion and application. The high energy conversion rate,and region free of battery make it a suitable energy storage method,but the high cost and the safety issue limit its application. However,the cost of batteries is too high and the safety is poor. Aqueous zinc ion batteries(AZIBs) are composed of cathode materials,aqueous electrolytes,and zinc metal anodes.Due to the high safety and low cost,the AZIBs have become a potential way of power station level energy storage in the future. However,the insufficient capacity of the cathode material and cycle instability are still obstacles. This paper first introduces the current energy storage mechanism of cathode materials of AZIBs, and then summarizes and reviews the problems, solutions and current research progress of common positive electrode materials (MnO2, V2O5 and VO2, etc.), analyzes the performance changes of cathode materials under different conditions, and finally, on the basis of comparation of the electrochemical performance, a variety of possible optimization strategies including exploration of the mechanism, improving the conductivity, preparation of new positive electrode materials, defect engineering and electrolyte modification are proposed,which provide some references for future cathode optimization strategies.
aqueous zinc ion battery;manganese dioxide;vanadium oxide;reaction mechanism;optimization strategy
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会