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[Cu2 Ox ]2+ -ZSM-5 结构及其催化甲烷氧化生成甲醇机理
  • Title

    [Cu2Ox]2+-ZSM-5 structure and its catalytic mechanism for oxidation of methane to methanol

  • 作者


  • Author

    BIAN Shuai,ZUO Zhijun,HUANG Wei,YAN Zhifeng

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 省部共建煤基能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室太原理工大学 轻纺工程学院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization,Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Textile Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    铜基分子筛催化剂是一种可在低温条件下将甲烷直接催化转化为甲醇的催化剂。 为探究 双核铜中心的[Cu2Ox]2+ -ZSM-5(x=12)的结构及其催化甲烷直接氧化生成甲醇的反应机理基 于密度泛函理论根据[Cu]2+ -ZSM-在 O预处理后形成的[CuO]2+ -ZSM-结构及其稳定性 差异研究了[Cu2O2]2+-ZSM-5[Cu2O]2+-ZSM-5→ [Cu2]2+-ZSM-5连续催化CH4直接氧化生 成CH3OH的过程。 结果表明,[Cu2]2+-ZSM-5更倾向于形成[(CuO)2]2+-ZSM-5,[CuOOCu]2+ZSM-[CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-三种含有 O键的[Cu2O2]2+ -ZSM-催化剂结构而 O键断 裂形成的[CuOCuO]2+ -ZSM-所需克服的能垒较高且稳定性差。 [(CuO)2]2+ -ZSM-5, [CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-5,[CuOOCu]2+ -ZSM-[CuO]2+ -ZSM-均可催化 CH直接氧化生成 CH3OH。 [CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-表现出最高的催化活性催化氧化 CH生成 CHOH 反应控速步骤 为吸附态CH4的解离能垒为150.69kJ/mol总反应热为-131.60kJ/mol。 电子结构分析表明原子具有较高的电子离域性和更靠近费米能级的 带中心时其催化活性较高

  • Abstract

    Copper⁃based zeolite catalyst has the catalytic ability for the direct oxidation of methane to methanol under low⁃temperature conditions. Based on the structure and stability differences of [Cu2O2]2+ -ZSM-5 formed by the pre⁃ treatment of Oon [Cu]2+ -ZSM-5,the successive processes of [CuO]2+ -ZSM-5[CuO]2+ -ZSM-5→ [ Cu2+ -ZSM-5 to catalyze the direct oxidation of methane to methanol were investigated by employing density func⁃ tional theory. The purpose is to obtain the structure of [Cu2Ox]2+-ZSM-5 (x=1,2) catalysts and the catalytic per⁃ formances for the direct oxidation of methane to methanol. The results show that the [ Cu2+ ZSM 5 prefers to form three kinds of [Cu2O2]2+-ZSM-5 configurations involving O—O bond that the [(CuO)2]2+ -ZSM-5,[CuOOCu]2+ ZSM-5 and [CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-5 while the break of O—O bond leads to [CuOCuO]2+ -ZSM-5 configuration with poor stability requiring high temperature and formation energy barrier. All of [(CuO)2]2+ -ZSM-5,[CuOOCu]2+ -ZSM-5 and [CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-5 as well as [Cu2O]2+ -ZSM-5 can catalyze the direct oxidation of methane to meth⁃ anol. The [CuO2Cu]2+ -ZSM-5 presents the highest catalytic performances where the determining⁃step is the dissocia⁃ tion of adsorbed CHwith the energy barrier of the determining⁃step of 150.69 kJl/mol and the total reaction energy of -131.60 kJ/mol. The analysis of electronic structure indicates the correlation of high catalytic performance with a high level of electron delocalization and close p⁃band center relative to the Fermi level.

  • 关键词

    [Cu2Ox]2+ -ZSM-5[Cu2O]2+ -ZSM-5甲烷直接氧化甲醇氧气密度泛函理论

  • KeyWords

    [Cu2Ox]2+ -ZSM-5;[Cu2O]2+ -ZSM-5;direct methane oxidation;methanol;oxygen;density function⁃ al theory

  • 引用格式
    边帅,左志军,黄伟,等. [Cu2Ox]2+ -ZSM-5 结构及其催化甲烷氧化生成甲醇机理[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):316-322.
  • Citation
    BIAN Shuai,ZUO Zhijun,HUANG Wei,et al. [Cu2Ox]2+ -ZSM-5 structure and its catalytic mechanism for oxi⁃ dation of methane to methanol[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):316-322.
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