• 全部
  • Title

    Instability mechanism and prevention of wide coal pillar with three strong stress disturbances under hard roof

  • 作者


  • Author

    CONG Li,WENG Mingyue,QIN Zihan,FENG Meihua

  • 单位

    中天合创能源有限责任公司中煤科工开采研究院有限公司天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部

  • Organization
    Zhong Tian He Chuang Energy Co.,Ltd.;China Coal Engineering Mining Research Institute Co.,Ltd.;Coal Mining & Designing Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    蒙陕矿区矿井多采用留宽煤柱双巷掘进工艺造成工作面沿空巷道受多次采掘扰动受采 空区顶板煤柱尺寸等影响回采巷道围岩应力演化过程中出现多次集中现象甚至诱发冲击显现, 严重制约了工作面的安全高效生产。 以蒙陕矿区葫芦素煤矿 21103 工作面为例通过对沿空巷道 冲击显现特征分析采用数值模拟对巷道形成之后在上区段 21102 工作面回采时回采后及本工作 面回采时的 次高强度开采扰动进行分析研究了沿空巷道围岩应力的演化过程;利用现场微震监 测和采动应力监测对煤柱内应力变化情况和开采扰动下的围岩活动特征进行了研究;提出了基于 厚硬顶板宽煤柱条件下沿空巷道冲击地压防治技术方案。 研究结果表明:在上区段工作面及 本工作面回采扰动下宽煤柱内应力逐次升高形成应力集中具有较高的静载荷水平;采空区 上覆顶板弯曲下沉滞后垮冒等对沿空巷道带来强烈扰动造成沿空巷道冲击危险性急剧增加;煤柱内布置的联络巷加剧了巷道围岩形成的高应力集中在顶板断裂等强动载作用下易达到冲击 载荷并诱发冲击;采取厚硬顶板--措施能够降低顶板带来的集中静载并弱化其动载 作用对煤柱内高应力区实施大直径钻孔降低高应力区的应力集中程度。 通过防冲方案的实施现 场工程显示沿空巷道围岩应力增加值得到控制易诱发冲击的大能量事件大幅减少为指导多次扰 动条件下的宽煤柱沿空巷道冲击地压防治提供借鉴

  • Abstract

    In the Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi mining area,many mines adopt the double roadway driving technol⁃ ogy. The width between the two roadways is wide,which will cause the roadways along the goaf to be disturbed for many times. Under the influence of goaf roof and coal pillar size,the surrounding rock of roadway shows the phenomenon of stress concentration,even rock burst. Taking the 21103 working face of Hulusu coal mine as an engineering case,the three disturbances of roadway were analyzed by numerical simulation. The three stages include the stage when the upper working face is mined,the stage after the upper working face is mined and the stage when the working face is mined. The microseismic monitoring and stress monitoring were carried out on site to analyze the variation of stress in the coal pillars and the characteristics of surrounding rock activity. On the basis of the above research,the technical scheme of rock burst prevention and control for thick hard roof and wide coal pillar was put forward. The results show that 1 under mining disturbance, the internal stress of wide coal pillar increases gradually,forming a stress concentration. 2 The bending,sinking and lagging collapse of goaf roof bring a strong disturbance. 3 The contact roadway increases the stress concentration,which is easy to reach the critical condition and induce impact. 4 The “drilling⁃cutting⁃pressuring” roof pressure relief meas⁃ ures can reduce the concentrated static load and dynamic load,and the implement of large diameter drilling can reduce the stress concentration. Through the implementation of the anti⁃scour scheme,the stress growth of sur⁃ rounding rock of gob side entry is controlled, and the large energy events are greatly reduced, which pro⁃ vides guidance for the prevention and control of rock burst.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hard roof;gob⁃side coal pillar;coal bumps;control technique

  • 引用格式
    丛利,翁明月,秦子晗,等. 坚硬顶板三次强扰动临空宽煤柱诱冲机制及防治[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):125-134.
  • Citation
    CONG Li,WENG Mingyue,QIN Zihan,et al. Instability mechanism and prevention of wide coal pillar with three 移动阅读 strong stress disturbances under hard roof[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):125-134.
  • 相关文章

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