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  • Title

    Mechanism and effect of rock burst prevention using overlength horizontal hole staged fracturing technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIA Yongxue,PAN Junfeng,XIE Fei, SUN Xiaodong,LU Chuang, ZHANG Chenyang,LIU Shaohong

  • 单位

    中煤科工开采研究院有限公司天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部

  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute;Coal Mining and Desigining Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    坚硬厚层顶板是冲击地压的主要影响和诱发因素之一针对冲击地压煤层上方高位厚硬顶 板难以实现大范围卸压的难题开发了井下超长水平孔分段压裂防冲技术。 采用 CDEM 数值模拟 方法分析了超长水平孔分段压裂弱化厚硬顶板的卸压防冲效果结果表明:压裂后高位厚硬顶板垮 落更充分来压步距更短来压强度更低同时工作面超前支承压力和巷道侧向支承压力也明显降 低。 提出了井下超长水平孔分段压裂卸压减冲原理即通过对具有冲击致灾性的厚硬顶板实施大 范围水力压裂使完整性好的目标岩层形成数量众多方位和长度不一的网状裂缝从而大幅减弱 岩层的整体强度使上覆岩层的垂直应力由硬传递转化为软传递”,降低了压裂区域下方煤层 的整体静载水平;其次压裂后坚硬顶板能及时垮落并充填采空区减小了顶板来压产生的集中动 载使动载效应减弱冲击风险降低。 使用该技术在强冲击危险工作面进行了试验研究结果表明, 压裂期间水压曲线在裂缝延伸压力区间内呈锯齿形波动稳定时间长表明裂缝扩展持续充分;在 实施压裂的区域微震事件由工作面前方向工作面后方和未压裂区转移同时高能微震事件明显降 低低能微震事件增加丛集效应弱化开采扰动范围和顶板活动强度也有明显减小巷道冲击风险 显著降低工作面最终实现了安全回采

  • Abstract

    Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to achieve a large⁃scale treatment of high⁃level thick and hard roof in rockburst coal seams,a super⁃long horizontal hole segmented fracturing anti⁃scouring technology is proposed. The CDEM numerical simulation method is used to analyze the rock burst prevention and pressure relief effect of over⁃ length horizontal hole staged fracturing for weakening thick and hard roof. The simulation shows that the roof collapse is more sufficient,the weighting step is shorter,the weighting strength is lower,and the advance abutment pressure of working face and lateral abutment pressure of roadway are also significantly reduced after fracturing,so the pressure relief effect is obvious. The principle of roof regional fracturing to reduce rock burst is put forward,that is,by greatly re⁃ ducing the overall strength of the strata, the stress of the strata above the coal seam is transformed from “ hard transfer” to “soft transfer”,so as to reduce the overall static load level of the mining coal seam. At the same time,the weakened thick and hard roof can collapse and fill the goaf in time during the mining process,so as to reduce the dy⁃ namic load of the roof. By simultaneously reducing the dynamic and static loads causing the rock burst initiation,the peak stress area of the roadway is always below the critical stress value of the rock burst,which can significantly re⁃ duce or even eliminate the hidden danger caused by the rock burst of thick and hard roof. The field engineering prac⁃ tice shows that the pressure curve fluctuates zigzag in a stable range,indicating that the fracture development is contin⁃ uous and sufficient during fracturing. In the fracturing area,the frequency of high⁃energy microseismic events is signifi⁃ cantly reduced,the low⁃energy events are increased,the clustering effect is weakened,and the mining disturbance range and intensity are also significantly reduced. Finally,the safe mining of working face is realized,and the effect of pressure relief to prevent rock burst is remarkable.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    overlength horizontal hole;staged fracturing;numerical simulation;pressure relief effect;prevention mech⁃ anism of rock burst

  • 引用格式
    夏永学,潘俊锋,谢非,等. 井下超长水平孔分段压裂防冲机理及效果[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):115-124.
  • Citation
    XIA Yongxue,PAN Junfeng,XIE Fei,et al. Mechanism and effect of rock burst prevention using overlength hori⁃ zontal hole staged fracturing technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):115-124.
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