• 全部
  • Title

    Three measurement relationship and control principle of overburden movement in cemented filling

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Bin,YANG Renshu,LI Yongliang,LU Bin,LUO Haohao,LI Chengxiao

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院

  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Architecture Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;School of Energy
    and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    为研究充填采场覆岩变形特征基于充填采场围岩变形的时空效应将充前移近量欠接顶 量与充填体压缩量作为覆岩变形的主要来源揭示了覆岩移动的三量关系”,并分析了三量变形 的影响因素。 基于压力平衡拱理论建立围岩压力与充填体承载力的平衡关系研究三量关系” 的协同作用并提出覆岩变形控制的“ 三度原则” ,通过控制充填速度充填密实度和充填体强度等 措施降低覆岩变形。 研究结果表明充前移近量与空顶时间及充填步距呈正比其变形在回采一阶 段显著低于末阶段同时充填效率降低导致空顶时间增加其变形随之增加;欠接顶量随泌水率 增大而增大其欠接顶区域呈三角形分布随煤层倾角增大欠接顶范围减小而欠接顶高度在充填 支巷上口增大;充填体压缩量与其弹性刚度呈反比。 提高充填速度及密实度在充填前期显著降低 覆岩变形而提高充填体强度在充填后期是控制覆岩变形的关键因素。 数值模拟结果表明在两阶 段回采模式中充填体在一阶段时仅产生部分接顶在二阶段时产生完全接顶区和间断接顶区最 终形成完全接顶。 基于覆岩变形控制的三度原则”,昊源煤矿采用连采连充式胶结充填采煤技 术实现了连续采煤与连续充填的平行作业显著提高了充填效率降低了覆岩的充前变形。 结果 表明上覆岩层仅产生较小的离层极大地维持了围岩完整性实现了对上覆岩层的变形控制验证 了“ 三度原则” 对变形控制的有效性为类似条件下的覆岩变形控制研究提供了借鉴

  • Abstract

    In order to study the characteristics of overburden deformation in the filled goaf,based on the spatial and time effects of the deformation of the surrounding rock in the filled goaf,the pre⁃filling displacement,the un⁃ der⁃connection and the compression of the filling body are taken as the main sources of the overburden deformation. The “ three⁃measurement relationship ” of the overburden movement is revealed, and the influencing factors of the three⁃measurement deformation are analyzed. Based on the pressure balance arch theory,the equilibrium relation⁃ ship between the pressure of surrounding rock and the bearing capacity of filling body is established,and the synergis⁃ tic effect of “three measurement relationship” is studied,and the “three degree principle” of overburden deformation control is proposed. The overburden deformation is reduced by controlling the filling velocity,filling compactness and filling intensity. The research results show that the pre⁃filling displacement is proportional to the overhanging roof time and the filling step,and its deformation is significantly smaller in the first stage of recovery than in the last stage,and the filling efficiency decreases,leading to an increase in the overhanging roof time and its deformation in⁃ creases. The under⁃connection amount increases with the increase of bleeding rate,and its under⁃connection area is tri⁃ angularly distributed,and the under⁃connection range decreases with the increase of coal seam inclination,while the under⁃connection height increases at the upper entrance of the filling branch lane. The compression of the filling body is inversely proportional to its elastic stiffness.Increasing the filling speed and compaction significantly reduces the overburden deformation in the early stage of filling,while increasing the filling body strength is the key factor to con⁃ trol the overburden deformation in the late stage of filling. The numerical simulation results show that in the two⁃ stage mining mode,the filling body produces only partial roof contact in the first stage,complete roof contact and inter⁃ mittent roof contact in the second stage,and finally forms complete roof contact. Based on the “three degrees princi⁃ ple” of overburden deformation control,Haoyuan Coal Mine adopts the continuous mining and continuous filling ce⁃ mented coal mining technology to achieve the parallel operation of continuous coal mining and continuous filling,which significantly improves the filling efficiency and reduces the pre⁃filling deformation of the overburden. The results show that the overburden only produces small separation layer,which greatly maintains the stability of the surrounding rock and realizes the deformation control of the overburden,which verifies the effectiveness of the “three degrees prin⁃ ciple” on deformation control and provides a reference for the study of overburden deformation control under simi⁃ lar conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    cement filling; three⁃quantity relationship; three⁃degree principle; pressure balance arch; continuous mining and continuous backfilling

  • 引用格式
    徐斌,杨仁树,李永亮,等. 煤矿胶结充填开采覆岩移动三量关系及其控制原则[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):49-60.
  • Citation
    XU Bin,YANG Renshu,LI Yongliang,et al. Three measurement relationship and control principle of overbur⁃ den movement in cemented filling[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):49-60.
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