Life cycle assessment of power generation processes with mixed combustion of different sludge
ZHOU Gang,SONG Tao,MA Shiwei,SHEN Laihong,GE Huijun
为从碳视角下研究市政污泥的最优处理工艺,通过生命周期评价方法,分别对市政污泥与一般工业固废、烟煤、稻秸混燃发电工艺的生命进程进行环境影响、资源消耗分析及碳排放核算。将3种污泥混燃工艺分为生产上游、生产过程和生产下游3个阶段,充分考虑全球性、区域性及局地性3个视角下各环境影响类型权重。计算结果表明,每处理1 t湿污泥(含水率65%),3种混燃工艺在全球性视角下总环境影响值最大,分别为0.87、0.12、0.09人·a/t;生产上游、生产过程(发电阶段)是导致环境恶化的2个主要阶段;全球变暖、酸化以及固体废弃物是对总环境影响贡献程度较大的3种环境影响类型;3种混燃工艺净碳排放量分别为6 522、742、410 kg (以CO2计)。在资源消耗方面,污泥与一般工业固废混燃发电工艺的资源消耗潜值最大,其次为污泥与烟煤混燃发电工艺,污泥与稻秸混燃发电工艺最小。综合来看,污泥与稻秸混燃发电工艺是最环保且节约资源的污泥处置工艺,值得大力推广。
In order to study the optimal treatment process of municipal sludge from the perspective of carbon, the environmental impact, resource consumption analysis and carbon emission accounting of the life process of municipal sludge and general solid waste, bituminous coal and rice straw mixed combustion power generation process through Life Cycle Assessment method were analyzed. The three sludge mixed combustion processes were divided into three stages: upstream production, production process and downstream production, and the weights of each environmental impact type were fully considered from the three perspectives of global, regional and local. The calculation results show that the total environmental impact values of the three mixed combustion processes are the largest under the global perspective, which are 0.87,0.12 and 0.09 person·a/t for every 1 t wet sludge treated (moisture content of 65%). Production upstream and production process (power generation stage) are the two main stages leading to environmental degradation. Global warming, acidification and solid waste are the three types of environmental impact that contribute greatly to the total environmental impact. The net carbon emissions of the three mixed combustion processes are 6 522, 742 and 410 kg CO2,respectively.In terms of resource consumption, the resource consumption potential of sludge and general industrial solid waste mixed combustion power generation process is the largest, followed by sludge and bituminous coal mixed combustion power generation process, and sludge and rice straw mixed combustion power generation process is the smallest. On the whole, the sludge and rice straw mixed combustion power generation process is the most environmentally friendly and resource-saving sludge disposal process, which is worth vigorously promoting.
municipal sludge;co-combustion power generation;life cycle assessment;environmental impact;resource consumption;carbon emissions
0 引言
1 研究对象与研究范围
2 生命周期清单分析
2.1 生产上游
2.2 生产过程
2.3 生产下游
2.4 环境负荷比较
3 生命周期影响评价
3.1 评价指标
3.2 影响评价
3.3 结果分析与讨论
3.4 敏感度分析
3.5 碳排放核算
3.6 资源性分析
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会