• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress of microalgae carbon sequestration coupled with industrialwastewater treatment technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yalei;;HAO Zewei;YOU Xiaogang;YAO Guanglei;JIA Yan;YANG Libin;CHEN Jiabin;ZHOU Xuefei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
    State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Tongji University
  • 摘要
    工业废水处理行业是我国现代化进程中不可或缺的一部分,在工业化发展历程中扮演着重要的角色,但是传统的废水处理工艺会消耗大量的资源能源,并产生温室气体,对人类和生态系统造成了严重的威胁。 在当前双碳背景下,迫切需要寻求一种低碳、绿色的工业废水处理理论和技术,以进一步满足我国工业废水的绿色、低碳化处理。 微藻固碳耦合工业废水处理被认为是一种绿色环保、可持续发展的低碳技术,将其应用于工业废水和燃煤烟气的处理,能够有效固定、净化污水和烟气中的碳、氮、磷等污染物质,减少碳排放,还可以获得有价值的生物质资源,为废水处理带来显著的环境效益与经济效益。 因此,对微藻处理工业废水的主要作用机制、燃煤烟气的减排机理和微藻固碳的强化措施进行了系统探讨,旨在对传统污水处理工艺进行低碳化重塑,促进污水处理行业革新升级,引领污水处理向低碳化方向发展。
  • Abstract
    The industrial wastewater treatment industry is an integral part of China 's modernizationprocess and plays an important role in the course of industrialization. However, the traditionalwastewater treatment process consumes a large number of resources and energy, and produces green⁃house gases, which pose a serious threat to human beings and the ecosystem. In the context of carbonneutrality, it is urgent to seek a low-carbon and green industrial wastewater treatment theory and tech⁃nology in China. Microalgae carbon sequestration is considered to be a green and sustainable low-car⁃bon industrial wastewater treatment technology. Pollutants such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus inwastewater and flue gas can be efficiently removed through Microalgae carbon sequestration.Meanwhile, the valuable biomass resources can be also obtained with significant environmental and e⁃conomic benefits. In this work, we systematically discussed the treatment mechanism of industrialwastewater, the emission reduction mechanism of coal flue gas, and strengthening methods of carbonsequestration by microalgae. We believe the review will contribute to promote the innovation and lowcarbonization development of industrial wastewater treatment.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microalgae carbon sequestration; Industrial wastewater treatment; Flue gas emission reduc⁃tion; Coupling process; Strengthening measures

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张亚雷, 郝泽伟, 由晓刚, 等. 微藻固碳耦合工业废水处理技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 50-57.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yalei, HAO Zewei, YOU Xiaogang, et al. Research progress of microalgae carbon sequestration coupledwith industrial wastewater treatment technology[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 50-57.
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