• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of sequential extraction on sodium capture capability of sodium⁃rich coal ash

  • 作者


  • Author

    LANG Sen,ZHANG Shouyu,CHANG Ming,HUANG Dongdong,ZHOU Yi,YANG Jifan, LIU Simeng,HU Nan,WU Yuxin

  • 单位

    上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院长春工程学院 能源动力工程学院清华大学 能源与动力工程系

  • Organization
    1.School of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;2.School of Energy and Power En⁃ gineering,Changchun Institute of Technology;3.Department of Energy and Power Engineering,Tsinghua University
  • 摘要

    新疆高钠煤储量丰富燃烧性能好具有极大的开发利用潜力。 但由于该煤种钠含量较高, 在燃用过程中极易造成锅炉受热面沾污结渣等问题严重限制了其开发利用。 以五彩湾煤为研究 对象进行水-醋酸铵溶液-HCl 溶液逐级萃取并燃烧制灰再进行钠捕获实验。 利用电感耦合等 离子原子发射光谱(ICP-OES)分析各萃取等级煤灰在不同反应温度下的钠捕获量结合 X-射线 衍射分析研究逐级萃取对五彩湾煤灰钠捕获性能的影响。 同时以哈密煤为对比样品并参照哈密 煤灰分组成向五彩湾煤中掺入 SiO和 AlO添加剂探究硅铝含量对五彩湾煤灰钠捕获性能的影 响。 结果表明:逐级萃取可降低五彩湾煤灰中的钙含量从而抑制硅灰石(CaSi3O)、铝酸钙 (Ca12Al14O33)等含钙物质的生成有利于煤灰中硅铝物质对钠的捕获。 经水醋酸铵溶液萃取后 制备的五彩湾煤灰(WCW-A2-900)在 900 °C反应温度下的钠捕获量最高较原煤灰提升了125.23%。 随着钠捕获反应温度的升高煤灰中的硅铝物质与钠蒸气生成稳定的硅铝酸盐固定在煤灰中表现 为钠捕获性能增强。 但当反应温度超过 900 °C WCW-A2-900 与 WCW-A3-900 的钠捕获量由于 其物理吸附性能的下降而明显降低但仍高于原煤煤灰。 铝矿物质含量的上升有助于增强 WCW900 的钠捕获性能但由于 WCW-900 中的钙含量比 HM-900 因而其钠捕获性能提高有限

  • Abstract
    The sodium⁃rich coal in Xinjiang is abundant and has good combustion performance. However, the high so⁃ dium content in coal results in fouling and slagging on the convective heating surface of boiler, which seriously re⁃ stricts its development and utilization. In this study, the Wucaiwan coal (WCW) was extracted sequentially by water/ ammonium acetate solution/HCl solution, and then was burnt into ash. The sodium capture capability of the WCW coal ash samples was determined and then the effect of the sequential extraction on the sodium capture perform⁃ ances of the ash samples was investigated. Meanwhile, according to the composition of the Hami (HM) coal ash, SiO2 and Al2 O3 were added into the WCW coal, and the effect of SiO2 and Al2 O3 additions on the sodium capture performance of the ash sample was analyzed. The results show that the sequential extraction can remove calcium from the WCW coal, which restrains the formation of calcium⁃containing materials such as wolwolite ( CaSi3 O9 ) and calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33), and thus the capture reaction of the sodium by silicon and aluminum materials in the coal ash was promoted. The ash sample (WCW-A2-900) prepared from water/ammonium acetate solution ex⁃ tracted the WCW coal at the sodium capture temperature of 900 °C has the highest sodium capture amount, which is 125.23% higher than raw coal ash. With the increasing sodium capture temperature, the sodium capture performance of the WCW coal ash is enhanced due to the formation of the stable aluminosilicates from the silicon and aluminum in coal ash with sodium vapor. When the reaction temperature exceeds 900 °C, the sodium capture amount of the WCW- A2 - 900 and the WCW - A3 - 900, which is still higher than that of the WCW coal ash, decreased obviously due to their decreasing physical adsorption capability. The additions of silicon and aluminum matter can en⁃ hance the sodium capture performance of the WCW-900, but the improvement is limited because the calcium content of the resulted WCWH coal is still higher than that of the HM coal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    sodium⁃rich coal;combustion;sodium capture;stepwise extraction;silicon⁃aluminum additive

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LANG Sen,ZHANG Shouyu,CHANG Ming,et al.Effect of sequential extraction on sodium capture capability of sodium⁃rich coal ash[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(12):4517-4525.
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