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  • Title

    Powdered coal circulating fluidized bed combustion technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    LÜ Junfu,SHANG Manxia,KE Xiwei,ZHOU Tuo,HUANG Zhong,ZHANG Hai, ZHANG Man,ZHANG Yang,WU Yuxin,YUE Guangxi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tsinghua University
  • 摘要

    双碳背景下作为燃煤发电的重要组成部分循环流化床CFB燃烧技术实现了劣质燃料 的高效清洁利用也是未来参与电网深度调峰的主力。 然而CFB 锅炉在负荷调节速率深度低负 荷及低负荷下的NOx排放控制受热面磨损等方面还有较大改善空间。 为此提出了粉煤循环流化 床(Powdered Coal-Circulating Fluidized BedPC-CFB)燃烧技术将燃料粒度由传统的 0~10 mm 宽 筛分分布缩减为 0 ~ 1 mm 的窄筛分分布在低床存量下实现足够高的循环流率通过流态调控化学 反应强化低氮燃烧需要的还原性气氛并为延长细颗粒石灰石在炉内的停留时间提供了保证同 时改善锅炉燃烧性能。 更为重要的是由于燃料粒度降低化学反应速度即热量释放变化速率得以 提高;辅助以循环干预措施可提高传热率的变化速度二者综合可以改善负荷变化率。 燃料粒度 的变化必然导致床料粒度降低显著改善了深度低负荷能力以及低负荷下的 NO排放炉内控制能 力。 该思想得到模型验证:当燃料粒度由常规缩减到 0 ~ 1 mm 床料粒度大幅降低稀相区物料 悬浮浓度提高循环流率提高了约 27%;炉内还原性气氛得到增强NO原始排放浓度降低约 35%循环系统性能的改善可延长细颗粒石灰石在炉内的停留时间提高脱硫反应效率在钙硫比NO排放相同条件下降低了 SO原始排放浓度;同时燃烧效率显著改善底渣含碳量降低 89%固体 不完全燃烧热损失降低 52%表明 PC-CFB 燃烧技术在增强 CFB 锅炉运行灵活性强化低氮燃烧提升燃烧性能等方面更具优势

  • Abstract

    Under the background of dual⁃carbon target,the circulating fluidized bed combustion technology,as an im⁃ portant part of coal⁃fired power generation,realizes an efficient and clean utilization of inferior fuel and is also a main force to participate in deep peak regulation of power grid in the future. However,CFB boilers still have a lot of room for improvement in load regulation rate,NOx emission control at deep low and low loads,and heating surface wear. Therefore,the powdered coal circulating fluidized bed (PC-CFB) combustion technology is proposed. By reducing the fuel particle size from the wide sieve distribution of 0 - 10 mm to a narrow sieve distribution of 0 - 1 mm, a sufficiently high circulating flow rate can be achieved at a low bed stock. Regulating chemical reactions through flow regimes,the reducing atmosphere needed for low⁃NOx combustion is strengthened,and the residence time of fine lime⁃ stone in the furnace is extended,the combustion performance of the boiler can also be improved. More importantly,the rate of change in chemical reaction,i.e. heat release,increases due to the decrease of fuel particle size. Supplemented by cyclic interventions that can increase the rate of change in heat transfer rate,the combination of which can im⁃ prove the rate of load regulation. The change of fuel particle size inevitably leads to the reduction of bed particle size, and significantly improves the deep low load capability and the in⁃furnace control of NOx emissions at low loads. This idea is confirmed by the modelling prediction, which shows that when the range of fuel particle size is reduced from the conventional size distribution to 0-1 mm,the average bed particle size decreases greatly and the material con⁃ centration in the dilute phase zone increases,and the circulating flow rate increases by about 27%. The reducing at⁃ mosphere in the furnace is enhanced,and the original emission concentration of NOx is reduced by about 35%. The im⁃ proved performance of the circulation system can prolong the residence time of fine limestone in the furnace,im⁃ prove the efficiency of desulfurization reaction,and reduce the original SO2 emission concentration under the same con⁃ ditions of calcium⁃sulfur ratio and NOx emission. Meanwhile, the combustion efficiency is significantly improved,the carbon content of bottom slag is reduced by 89%,and the heat loss of incomplete solid combustion is re⁃ duced by 52%,indicating that PC-CFB combustion technology has more advantages in enhancing the operational flexi⁃ bility of CFB boilers,strengthening the low⁃NOx combustion,and improving the combustion performance.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    powdered coal; circulating fluidized bed; fuel particle size; operational flexibility; pollutant emission control;combustion performance

  • 文章目录

    1 CFB燃烧技术现状分析

       1.1 运行灵活性

       1.2 深度低负荷NOx排放控制

       1.3 可靠性问题

    2 PC-CFB燃烧技术

       2.1 定态设计理论

       2.2 PC-CFB燃烧技术原理

    3 PC-CFB锅炉运行性能模型预测

       3.1 CFB模型及验证

       3.2 燃料粒度对锅炉物料循环特性的影响

       3.3 燃料粒度对污染物排放的影响

       3.4 燃料粒度对锅炉燃烧特性的影响

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    LÜ Junfu,SHANG Manxia,KE Xiwei,et al.Powdered coal circulating fluidized bed combustion technology[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(1):430-437.
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  • 图表
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